"But I'm Your Noona"

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“You and Taemin are getting pretty chummy lately.” Key commented as she sat down on the couch next to him with some popcorn.

Key had invited her to their dorm to “watch movies”, something that he had never done. So she was slightly suspicious of his motive.

“No, we are just working on moves.”

“Yeah, sex moves.” He retorted making her blush.

“No. it’s not even like that. Dance moves. Working on dance moves.” She accented to Key who only rolled his eyes so not believing her.

“Kira…? Is that you?” Jonghyun came from out of the bedroom she guessed.

“Hi Oppa.”

“I like it when you call me that,” he winked and sat down beside her and Key slapped the arm that wrapped around her shoulder.

“Stop hitting on her, Jjong.” Key muttered through his teeth and Kira looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

“What? Why? I always do this.”

Key sent a glare so evil Jonghyun’s way that she was glad it was not directed at her and removed his arm.


Kira instinctively fixed her hair and clothes when she heard Taemin’s voice. And bit her lip when she head Key chuckle under his breath.

“Jonghyun? Can I talk to you back in the room?”

Jonghyun looked at Key confused, “Why? I want to talk to Ki-.”

“Ow,” Key grabbed Jonghyun’s ear and dragged him to the back of the apartment.

Alone again. With Taemin. Key loved to see her suffer didn’t he? Taemin tilted his head to the side cutely and smiled, “Hi Noona.”

“Hi Taemin.” She greeted awkwardly and crossed her legs.

He laughed, “You can relax. I don’t bite.” Unfortunately.

“Yeah, but you’re one hell of a scary teacher.” She joked but then widened her eyes as she took in Taemin’s expression. He looked hurt.

“Am I that bad?”

“No, I’m kidding. You’re amazing. You make me want to dance for hours.” And then continue for a few more in her bed.

He nodded looking satisfied and walked to sit down next to her. Why was she acting like this? She had known Taemin for years now because of Kibum and she always thought of him like a little brother. When did he start making her act like a nervous little school girl? He was 19. She was 22. She hated that she acted like one of his fans. Kira wanted to be just platonic but lately something in Taemin has been attractive. It could be his laugh every time she would embarrass herself or smile when she mentioned anything about dance. She couldn’t be falling for him already could she?

“Noona…,” Taemin asked after a while of watching the movie.

She turned her head and looked at him.

“I need some advice on a girl.” A girl? Advice? The first instinct was to get upset and find out who this girl was, where she lived and why would Taemin be interested in her. Her face couldn’t help but drop, she just hoped it was dark enough in the room that he couldn’t see her.

“O-oh, oh sure. What wrong?” She forced a smile on her face.

Taemin picked up the remote and paused the movie. He adjusted his position to face her, a serious expression gracing his normally smiling face. This made her even more nervous. What was he going to ask her?

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