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"Heather!" I say with a giggle, catching the pillow in Mac's hands as she swings it at me.

"Will you two be quiet for a bit?" Chandler groans, tugging on my ankle to pull me back. I stumble to the ground, pulling Mac along with me. I lean on Chandler's shoulder.

"Fine." I snuggle up to the strawberry blonde, letting out a soft sigh. "Happy?" She shoves me off. I whine.

"You're such a child. Go cuddle with Mac or Duke or-"

"Or me," Veronica says from behind me, pulling me into her arms. I feel my heart leap into my throat as she rests her chin on my shoulder. "I'm cold. Stay here." I manage a soft laugh.

"Sure thing, Ronnie. Personal heater activated, I guess." She lets out a sigh of satisfaction, relaxing against me.

"Mm... Good." I focus on the TV screen. We'd decided to have a sleepover over the weekend after the first semester exam week. Just to relax a bit before diving back into a new semester. JD unfortunately couldn't join us, but we were able to get the rest of the group here. I run a hand through Veronica's hair.

"You seem comfy," I mutter to her.

"I am," she says happily. I bite my lip. God, she's cute. I freeze, conflicted by the thought I just had. Ever since JD mentioned Veronica and I, I've been conflicted. To think that we'd be good no matter what we were to each other has opened up a whole new door to me. And I don't know if I like it. Because the thing is, Veronica probably isn't even into girls. And if I do go in that direction, I run the risk of ruining our friendship.

And I really don't want that, do I?

I sigh, leaning back so I rest my head on Veronica's shoulder.

"You're a nice pillow," I murmur. She snickers.

"And you're a good teddy bear." She hugs me tighter. I smile.

"Duke, pass the popcorn." Duke gives me the bowl, and I eat a few pieces, offering some to Veronica. She takes a handful, and I pass the bowl back to Duke. It's nice spending nights like this with my friends. Not a care in the world. A few, but I don't wanna bring them up today. I don't wanna deal with anything right now. It's a while until I notice Mac's soft snoring from her place on the floor. I glance around. "Guys, what time is it?" Chandler checks her phone.

"Shit. Three." We all stir from our spots, except for Mac. Chandler sighs. "I'll take her, I guess." She slowly works her arms under the smaller girl, lifting her up so as to not disturb her. "Same as last time?"

"Mm," I say.

"Sure," Duke agrees. Each of us had a guest room in Chandler's insanely massive house the last time we had a sleepover. I start to stand, but Veronica clings to me. I glance back.

"What?" She wraps her arms around my neck, her legs around my torso.

"Onwards, noble knight." I scoff, putting my hands under her legs and standing.

"You're such a weirdo." She giggles, burying her face in my hair.

"So are you." I roll my eyes.

"God, is the sleep deprivation getting to you?"

"Hmm... Maybe." She raises her head. "Actually, yeah. I think so. Take me to my room and let me sleep, I'm like, almost drunk." I sigh, following Duke and Chandler up the stairs. I gently kick open the door of one of the guest rooms, crouching slightly to let Veronica off. She immediately flops onto the bed.

Only a Matter of Time // Veronica Sawyer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now