It's Not What You Think!

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Lauren and I decided to spend the better part of the day at the water park. We went on a few of the dry rides on our way to the water park with Michele, Lola, Austin and Jessica and told them that we'd save them some lounges for when they were ready to join us.

We found six lounge chairs by the wave pool moderately close together. I kicked off my sneakers behind mine and took my t-shirt off and draped it over the lounge I was saving for Austin and draped my towel over Jessica’s. Lauren slipped off her flip-flops and took her t-shirt off to put on Michele’s and draped her towel over Lola’s as well. Lauren then slipped off her shorts and laid them at the head of her lounge.

I found the sun block, "You wanna do me first?" I asked. "It probably wouldn't be such a good idea for me to rub you all over and then stand up for a while." I smiled mischievously at her.

Lauren came closer to me and whispered, "You're so bad." in my ear as she took the block and applied it to my chest and back. I applied some to my nose as Lauren adjusted her two-piece suit. I thought that it was VERY flattering and thought that I would probably have to spend the better part of the afternoon either sitting down or in the water. I was entertaining several, rather vivid, images of keeping Lauren close to avoid making a spectacle of myself. I was wondering how much convincing it would take to get Lauren to sit on my lap for the better part of the afternoon.

I sensuously massaged the block into all of Lauren's exposed skin, very glad that my trunks were fairly loose and that I wouldn't have to get up for a little while at least. Lauren lay on her stomach, facing me and I sat on my lounge, facing her. Lauren smiled at me but didn’t answer when I floated the idea of her sitting on my lap all day.

A short while later, Lauren and I were playing 'Movie Speak' when suddenly Ashley rudely interrupted our game. "Brandon, I need to speak to you."

“So speak.” I said, rolling my eyes to Lauren.

“I’d rather talk to you in private.” Then she added, as an after-thought. “If it’s okay with Lauren, that is.”

“I’m not your property anymore, Ashley. You can demand things from me all you like, but I do NOT have to jump at your every beck and call.”

Lauren patted my thigh, “It’s alright, honey, just go find out what she wants and hurry back. I miss you.”

"I'll be back as soon as I can, love." I kissed her passionately and then followed Ashley away from where I truly wanted to be.

I wasn't ten feet away, when I heard Thomas's voice ask Lauren if my seat was taken, confirming my suspicions that Ashley was up to something. While I concede that I refer to them as friends, I try to avoid Thomas and Ashley outside of school as much as possible. They're both manipulative and Ashley is one of the most scheming, vindictive and darkly twisted people I have ever met. Why did I ever date her, you ask? It's simple. I was seventeen and at the time and she was smokin' hot. She has a body that men and women would kill for, though mostly for different reasons I expect. Ashley flaunted it whenever she could. Today, for example, she was wearing a small white bikini with red polka dots. All the guys that saw us together looked at me with jealousy in their eyes; if they only knew how willing I was to be rid of her and get back to Lauren...

Suddenly, Ashley spun around to face me. I barely stopped in time before walking into her. "What do you want, Ashley?" I asked testily.

"That's not very nice," she purred. "I thought we were friends?" She smiled a seductive smile, but I barely noticed.

"I have a sinking feeling I know what you and Thomas are up to."

Ashley put on her ‘innocent’ face. "I'm not up to anything, I just want to talk."

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