San Dimas High School Football Rules

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In the days following the prom, Brandon and Lauren spent almost as much time fooling around as they did studying. They had been affectionate with one another since day one, but since the day at the waterpark, they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.

Ashley and Thomas had backed off too. Nothing was ever said about what had happened, but Ashley’s parents sent Brandon and Lauren an enormous gift basket as a thank you for helping their daughter.

For the first time since he was a small child, Brandon felt completely happy. Graduation was in less than two weeks and while he didn’t get accepted to the same school as Lauren had, he was accepted to a school in the same city that was almost as prestigious. Even Michele, Austin and Jessica would be going to school in the same area. Lola still hadn’t received any acceptance letters, but Michele had told us that Lola said she wasn’t worried about it. Her parents had gone to college without receiving any acceptance letters and she was certain that she could too. Working with his accountant, Dave, Brandon was able to find a four-bedroom house almost exactly in the middle of all of the schools they’d be attending come fall in a college-age friendly neighborhood. Even Lauren’s mother had backed off of their relationship, finally accepting their intentions towards one another.

Ashley’s father had been keeping an especially close watch over Brandon as of late. When he bought the house and then basically paid his and Lauren’s tuition up front, Chase Leveque nearly had a coronary. “Ashley!” Chase demanded as he stormed into his daughter’s room; “Why haven’t you gotten Brandon back yet? He is basically throwing all of that money away!”

Most of the evidence of Ashley’s run-in at the amusement park had faded or been removed with cosmetic surgery. She snapped her laptop shut and glared at her father. “I’ve tried, Daddy,” she spat, “but you know what? He’s completely in love with that girl. Why don’t you just leave them alone?”

Chase Leveque glared at his daughter. “Don’t tell me you’ve gone soft?” He chuffed disgustedly. “My daughter never gave up on something she wanted just because it was hard. What’s the matter, your little knight in shining armor save you and now you’re just going to let some little poor, nerdy slut run off with all that money?”

Ashley rose to her feet and got in her father’s face. “How DARE you?” She shrieked. “After everything I put Brandon through; after as mean as I have been to him and his girlfriend; even after intentionally trying to sabotage their relationship, they still helped me after I was attacked. Lauren was even nice about it!” A tear escaped from the corner of Ashley’s eye and her voice cracked slightly. “Sometimes, there’s more to life than just money, Dad.”

Ashley turned her back to her father and moved to sit back down at her desk. In a fit of blind rage, Chase grabbed his daughter by the arm, spun her back to him and slapped her hard across her face. Ashley cried out and fell to her floor. Chase stood over his daughter, pointed his finger directly in her face and bellowed, “Never speak to me like that again!” and stormed out of the room, slamming Ashley’s door behind him so hard that several of her pictures fell off of the wall. Ashley’s mother hurried into her room as Chase stormed around his office.

“I don’t know what possessed you to say that, Ashley. What could possibly be more important than money?” She took her daughter’s face in her hands and asked solemly, “Have you been taking your meds?”


“Come on…” I asked with a huge smile.

Lauren was laughing, “Brandon! Stop, I can’t!”

“You know you want to…” I said with a lustful stare.

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