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life doesn't require that we are the best, only that we try our best

It's national day. One of my favorite days because it's a day to celebrate. To celebrate everything we've been through and everything we have survived. It's to celebrate how we are and what our country is.

National day makes me proud because I am the one leading the kingdom.

Since I've been born and way before that we had traditions to celebrate today and we will go on with them. There will be a party in the castle and many people will be there. My whole family, also the ones that live in the south. I only see them a few times a year, but on a national day, it's always guaranteed that they come.

Friends of my parents and friends of the kingdom will be there, just like Jax and Elio and their families.

There will be a big dinner with every food you can imagine and after that, people will dance and I will give a speech.

I still have to work on the speech part because there's no speech yet, but I'm positive that everything will work out.

"Hey, uhm, Camilla? Have you seen the caterers?"

"Uh, no. Now that you say it. Give me a second and I will figure out why they aren't here yet," my aunt answers.

I am so happy that she does most of the things a queen has to do. Like speak about taxes, problems in the kingdom and call the caterers to ask where they are.

Surely I am there with her or even alone on some events, like when I flew to Tamoia, but that was only because it had to do with me and only me.

I don't know what I would do without her because I don't understand a thing about taxes.
I know I am the official queen of Syriliar, but I am only 17. No one can expect me to rule this kingdom alone. There's so much I have to learn and by watching Camilla and Kenzo and being homeschooled and informed about every important thing, I am learning. So that one day, I can rule on my own and do most of the things right.


The dinner was really fantastic. I have to thank the caterers for that later.

Now everyone's talking and waiting for me to give my speech. I sigh. I'm not really thrilled that I have to say something in front of all these people but I should better be good with the thought of doing this about a hundred more times because it's what queens do. They give speeches.

"Addie, don't look so tortured. It's only a speech," Liv says laughing.

"I know, I know. But I hate speaking in front of so many people."

"You can do it. Try not to think about it. It will be easier than the last time. This speech is good. Believe me."

The last time I gave a speech it was about my parents' death. Not the most fun event but someone had to do it.

I stand up to go over to the stage that they build in the ballroom. I go up the stairs and step in front of the microphone.

I clear my throat and tap the microphone to see if it's working. It is.

"Uhm, if I could have your attention for a few minutes that would be great," I start. "You all know that you're here today because of Syriliar's national day. I wanted to tell you all a bit about our kingdom, or, to be more specific about the year that has passed since the last national day," I pause.

"A year ago, everything was different, not only for me but also for Syriliar. My mother Avana was Queen and my father Izan was King. Now I am queen even though I'm only 17. That's why my aunt Camilla and her husband Kenzo do most of the things I would have to do. Right now I am still learning to be the best Queen I can be one day.

Today I not only think about our kingdom. I think about my parents and all the other people we've lost. I hope you have a great national day and always remember who you are and what you stand for.

Happy national day everyone," I end my speech.

Okay, that took an unexpected turn, even for me. But these felt like the right words.

The next moment I realize the clapping. I look around. Everyone is standing and clapping for me.
I got a standing ovation. 

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