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Do not be afraid, dear reader.

Answers will come.

You just haven't looked hard enough to find them yet.

The answers are right in front of you.

You just have to dig for them.

Don't try to make conclusions based on those answers.

Just find the pieces.

Find the hidden meaning.

"Greetings everyone, today is November 3rd, 2021, day 29 of our hunt for the hard drive. Today, Alex and I are looking through the — room to see if we can find any trace of this hard drive. I've never explored this area, but I know that allegedly, they said that computers had been in this room. So, we shall see." Alex Miller opens the door, walking into a room filled with computers and computer parts. There's no sign of the hard drive at first glance. "Alright, let's get digging," Alex says, taking some wires off of a desk and throwing them to the floor. Luckily, none of them were connected to anything. The recording skips a bit and know there's wires and computers all over the floor. "Find it?" asks Luke. "No luck, duck," replied Alex. "Goddamnit."


"Look, the Magisterium is not something that can continue," John spoke to Monika the day after the report (Monday, December 20th), "And you can't make these kinds of decisions without me." "Well, I've already confirmed it with Natsuki. We're giving up SiIvaGunner and allowing her to run the Documentary Department, since you so requested you quit at the end of the year. We'll just keep making them. The truth must come out!" "Ok, ok, riddle me this," John begins, "On December 3rd, 2021, the WCLR News came into your office, and you declined to let them talk smack about the company or Alex Miller. They, fearing your reign or something like that, never published that news story. So, as far as Mrs. Miller and his children, who are no more than 5, are aware, Alex's still out there even though, he's fucking dead! And now, 18 days after that, you willingly let the WCLR News talk smack about me!" "That's because I liked Alex Miller. I don't like you."

"...I'm sorry, what!?"

"You knew about the WattPad Project, didn't you?"

"Well, yes, but—"

"Not only did you know about it, but you abused that knowledge."

"I did not!"

"Then how come Jack Sheuay became your best friend!?"

"We got along well!"



"Jack Sheuay never trusted anyone in the MEI after we killed Lizzie. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he doesn't like you."

"Then that's your fault! You caused this mess!"

"C-Can..." Sayori tried to butt in, "Can you stop fighting...? It's hurting my ears..."

"Shut it, Sayori, no one asked you to talk," Monika replied, the heat of the argument rubbing onto her tone towards Sayori. "I-I'm sorry..."

"You're a fucking manic!" John snorted, slamming his hands on Monika's desk, "Making choices without anyone's permission, and deciding to hurt her CFO's feelings...god, you're pathetic."

"You're pathetic! You're the one who's sooo petty about his Magisterium!"

"Why do you think I put that hard drive in the Storage Facility and not in my house? I wanted you to find it."

"Well, then why are you so pissed off?"

"Because you found it too early!"

"You got lucky we even waited this long! I tried to have them find it back in July!"

"That's because my wife stole it."

"Then why was it there this time?"

"Someone took it and replaced the fake one I gave to my wife with the real one again. And I know exactly who that is."


"Hey, what's this room?" asked Alex Miller on November 27th, as they looked at a room called "DO NOT OPEN". "I dunno, but that is kinda weird. The company did give us this key, but all the doors have been unlocked." Luke replied, holding the camera up to the door, as Alex unlocks the door, open it with a creak. "What's in there?" "More doors..." "Like?"

"Doors lining the wall. Only 20 of them though."

"20 doors? That's a lot of them..."

"It's not a lot a lot. Could be way worse."

"That's true. Could be like...40 doors or something crazy like that."

"Well, we should get looking. Sophia and I didn't look through this one already, so maybe the hard drive is in here."


"So, you mean to tell me that...this one that I have...was the one your wife stole from our Storage Facility?" Monika asks. "My hope was to hold it off until December 31st, take the real one back, and replace the fake one so that you didn't start collapsing my project now, and it was after I left. You got lucky you found it early," John replied. "Well, it's too late now. The Press already released the statement and already announced the cancellation of the series, so there's not much we can do to change the outcome now, I'm sorry to admit." "I understand what you are saying, but it was such a sudden decision! We didn't have a meeting or anything, and you decided this on a Sunday, when none of us were even in the building!"

"Look, I understand you aren't happy about all this, bu—"

"But what!? You thought this was best for the company!? Or do you not care about the company? You just want to expose the Magisterium? Is that all you think about!? Destroy the Magisterium!? Wreck it's insides and ruin my lovely creation!? Is that all you care about, Monika!?"

"N-No, John, I—"

"Clearly, that's all you care about. You and this company don't give a shit about the people. Instead, all you idiots care about is the money, the rating, or what you're publishing. One minute, you try to cover up Alex Miller, the next, you openly admit that one of your employees was lying to the masses about a story that was inspired the 'Das Unternehmen der Kontrolle'  (A/N: Which literally translates into "The Company of Control") which was a book written in Nazi Germany that said there would one day be a company so powerful, it could rule a whole country, just so that you could have the Magisterium to wreck it and my reputation before I quit, making me literally the most worthless man in all of Murphy Enterprise Incorporated's history, even though I birthed and created the very thing that allowed us to post Nick Wilde Company documentaries in the first place, which allowed this company to live. I help let this company live. Now? You're just killing all my hard work. You're a terrible CEO, Monika. Someone should replace you."

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