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"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

It's what the Magisterium realized and why they had broken away from the Lord. It was not worth it to remain in the Lord's order, as all he was doing was creating corruption and problems for everyone. At some point or another, it was bound to happen, and John knew it.

Or, he should've known it.

In actuality, it came as a surprise when the Magisterium took control over the story, and managed to break away from him, creating their own world entirely. It was hard for him, to say the least.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

It became clearer and clearer as time had gone on. It was now December 31st...New Years Eve. Why must it be that John felt...disappointed in this year. He had huge plans for the MEI and the Magisterium, but, as it turned out, none of it mattered when A. Sheuay "died" and the rest was history. Not only that, but John was sure he'd lost his best friend, Jack, and his wife, Sophia, would soon follow.

"Help! Help!" shouted Jack. The WattPad Project was in it's last leg, and they'd killed Lizzie, with Jack Sheuay remaining as the only man left. John, having been overseeing the Documentary Department, noticed Jack's cries for help, and saw Tester Eggman and Tester Snoopy preparing to reboot the project one more time, which would've killed Jack. Monika, refusing to give anymore money to save the project, saw it as a financial loss, and, really, just wanted it gone. The two testers didn't want to get rid of the project, so, instead, they funded enough money for one last reboot. If this one failed, they'd kill the project. If Jack died, it would be for not.

John rushed over. "What's going on?" He asked, looking at the testers. "We're rebooting the account one last time, but if Jack dies or the account breaks again, then all hope is lost," replied Tester Snoopy. "Well, what if he dies right now? I feel like with the number of reboots you guys have done, that's almost a guarantee here," John pushed. Really, he was stalling for time to get Jack out of there.

Sure, he'd help the WattPad Project get off the ground, with the creation of the WattPad World in May of 2020, but now, it felt no longer worth it. This poor man, whom John claimed died in a house fire, was now about to really die...

John shoved the two testers off the control panel, and hit a button to release Jack from the chamber he was trapped in, thus freeing him from a reboot and the account. "Thank you..." replied Jack, as he hugged John. The two testers, baffled by this, decided it wasn't over yet. Only Tester Snoopy was badly injured that day, but he recovered in the hospital by September.

John and Jack became best friends that day, almost as close as brothers. Sure, they occasionally had a tussle, but they'd usually laugh about how stupid the argument was immediately after the argument was done. They'd go out to lunch together, with Sophia sometimes, and talk for hours. It was a loving relationship, and John, at one point, said if "[He] wasn't married and Jack and [him] were gay, [they'd] be married by now."

Jack helped John with hosting the documentaries, become more of the host as John became more of the historical professor. It was amazing.

That all happened in October of 2021.

Now, it was December...the times had changed dramatically.

As John reminisced about the world, and his life, he looked over at the clock. It was 11:00 PM.

No sooner had he wanted to die then right now.

Jack was here, Sophia was here, and both were enjoying the new year, and should...without John Aardvark.

"Hey, John?" Called Jack, "We got an hour left. Ya coming?" "...yeah, I'll be there in a minute..." he looked c4844down at his hands. The hands with blood on them. The hands that created the hell that was the Magisterium. The blood of Robotnik, the blood of Mod Alex, the blood of the MEI, the blood of Monika, the blood of LightningSpeed, the blood of Pikagirl55, the blood of A. Sheuay, the blood of Tails and Captain Hunter, and the blood of Jack Sheuay. Blood blood blood.

His hand dripped with blood.

And as it got closer and closer to midnight, that blood became thicker and thicker, almost as if all the blood was mixing together to create a gateway to hell. Like this was how hell formed, was just mixing together the blood of everyone you've wronged. All the sins you've done mixed together to create literal hell.

He couldn't do it.

He couldn't take it.

He couldn't look at his hands, he couldn't look at his body, he couldn't look at his face.

He couldn't look at himself.

Because he wasn't him anymore.

Whoever this new John was, was not the same John, as the one before. It became clear to the world that this world was changing, and John didn't change with it. Instead, he merely was flooded in blood.

Waist deep in a pool of blood.

Drowned in a pool of blood.

And there was blood on Jack's hand too, and there wasn't meant to be.

So, as the clock got closer and closer to midnight, now reaching 11:55, he got up, grabbing a knife.

Jack and Sophia were enjoying the countdown but wondered where John had gone. With merely a minute to go, Jack got up headed over to John's room.

And at 12:00, 1/1/22...

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