MISSING: 12-19-21

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"It's been two days since the disappearance of XXXX, and police are still in desperate search of him," Jake said on the news. This was so confusing. They hadn't found any of the missing people except for Alex Miller, who was dead. None of the other victims have been found, and it was starting to get irritating for John, especially now with her being kidnapped. He knew exactly who was kidnapping people but didn't want to say anything about it.


"I did it!" LightningSpeed cheered, "I replaced the hard drive and killed the person who was looking for it!" "...I...I never asked you to kill them..." A. Sheuay spoke softly, "I just wanted you to replace the hard drive." "Well, I did do that much." "Thank god...I was worried you didn't replace it at least. No wonder you didn't return until now."


Monika was at a loss of words. She'd hoped that John would see his faults and realize his mistakes, but no. Instead, he shouts at Monika like a confused drunk. Well, of course he sounded like that. He was a confused drunk.


MISSING: 12-19-21.

John came home from the bar that night, wanting to embrace his lovely wife. It was nearly 2 in the morning. When he arrived home, yellow tape, which read "Crime Scene" lined his house. There were 2 officers standing by the tape. He walks up to one and asks, "What happened here?" He tried to sound as sober as he could, but he didn't sound very sober to the officer, who knew he was intoxicated. Luckily, he hadn't been driving at all. "You are?" "Professor John Aardvark, I live here, sir," replied John, hardly standing upright. "How much have you had to drink tonight, sir?" ask the officer respectfully. "4 glasses or so," John replied, "I'm not driving, I-I swear!" "I know that sir," replied the officer, "I'm just making sure you are ok. We're investigating a missing person's case here." "Who's gone missing?" "Sophia Harrison Aardvark." "...Holy shit..." He passes out on the ground.

The next morning, he wakes up, finding himself on his couch, the officers still outside his home. He leans over, throwing up onto the floor, hungover as all hell. He had to go into work soon, so he grabbed a couple extra bottles to try and drink his hangover away, and then took a taxi to work. He didn't want to drive at all. He knew the detriments to drinking and driving.


"12/21/21," Monika chuckled a bit as she read todays date. 4 days before Christmas. They were going to get out of the office on the 23rd and would not return until January 3rd. Except for the Documentary Department, which would work until the 23rd, then return on the 26th to finish and publish the documentary by the end of the year. And by the department, it really means John. It's his choice to sit here and finish the documentary. But with him being drunk all the time, it seemed unlikely that it would ever succeed in his favor. "Hey Monika..." Sayori said, placing a stack of papers on her desk, "Here's the next batch of paperwork." "You feeling alright?" asked Monika. "I'm sorry, do I sound down?" ask Sayori, almost as if she were concerned that she was making Monika worry about her.

"You got something for me?" asked John as A. Sheuay sat in the corner of his office. "Yeah, I do," replied A. Sheuay, "I need that hard drive before Monika starts using it as evidence." "Look," replied John, taking another shot of whiskey, "I know you want it, as do I, but we aren't going to get it back from her. And you can't kidnap her." "That much I figured. She's the CEO, people would find out," replied A. Sheuay, "But I need that hard drive. I was hoping Sophia would know something about it, since you made it, but all she said was that you would know what to do." "Of course she didn't say anything about the hard drive."

"Was there more?"


"What more is there?"

"That's not of you concern."

"Tell me, John."

"I don't need to tell you anything."

"Tell me, Aardvark."

"Tell you what?"

"Tell me about the hard drive."

"I have nothing to say about it."

"You drunken fucker, tell me about the fucking hard drive! Is it fake!?"

"No, what Monika has is real."

"Then what the fuck is up with the hard drive!?" He smacks John across the face, attempting to get him to spit it out. "Why should it matter!? You keep kidnapping people!" "It's your fault! Alex Miller wasn't supposed to die and no one was supposed to be kidnapped. But you haven't gotten the hard drive and you let the Magisterium add the Walten Files to the Nick Wilde Company, which, by the way, isn't even real, and and...all this other shit!" "Alex Miller died because your friend wouldn't listen."

"The point is, he wasn't meant to die! He should be alive right now!"

"What if he is!?"


"You are, Mr. Sheen is, why not Alex Miller too!?"

"That's preposterous!"

"But not impossible."

"Yeah, it fucking is. There's no fucking way he's alive."


Alex Miller's iPhone, video recording, dated December 3rd, 2021, 10:00 AM:

"Hello, this is Alex Miller, uh, I think today is the 3rd of December, my phone says so, but uh, anyways, I've tried calling the MEI to inform them that I'm stuck here, but they haven't responded to any of my calls, so, I'm going to try and get out of here and go to Rendville, see if I can hide there." He turns on a flashlight and starts walking towards a door. Carefully, he opens it, and scans around for anything. As he shines his light dead ahead, he sees a staircase, but otherwise, sees nothing. Hoping to get out, he goes down the stairs to find the basement.

Shortly thereafter, he finds a knife near a door, labeled "EXIT". The knife had the words "MEI RESTAURANT PLANS, DEFUNCT IN 2019" on a tag hanging off of it. Suddenly, footsteps are heard. He picks up the knife, pointing it and the flashlight at a person, appearing of age 17, with red t-shirt and black sweatpants. "Who are you!?" Alex asks, "And why have you been stalking us the last few days!?" Before the voice can answer, the video ends and cuts suddenly to him running in the forest, before his phone lands on the ground, face down, and screams are heard as the man is heard gasping for air, like he's being forcibly drowned. The person who drowned him grabs the phone, enters the facility, and then stops; police sirens are heard outside.

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