the bond fire

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Maya's POV:
it was time for the bond fire now. I had asked Alby if I could throw the lighting torches and he said yes, I am so excited. "Minho, guess what!!" I say running up to Minho. 

He turns around to look at me. "What's up?" He asked.

"Alby said I can help light the bond fire this time!" I say super excited. 

"Oh, that's great! I thought he was going to say no."

 I chuckle, "Yeah, me too" Minho goes back to what he was doing. I look behind us, and lightly hit Minho's arm to get his attention again. 

"They're starting! Come on!" I grab his arm tugging him to where the other boys were setting up the fire, he stumbles as we walk. 

"Ok, ok, geez" Minho said trying to not fall as I'm pulling him. Alby and Newt start lighting the torches and handing them to the keepers. 

Newt hands me a torch and says "be careful, ok? Don't go setting people on fire by accident. Oh, and don't throw it until-" 

"-until ably gives the signal, I know, Mom" I cut him off. Minho started laughing, Newt shook his head at us and walked away.

 "You know it true!" I yell after him. "He acts like such a mom." I say turning to Minho. 

"Well, someone one has to." Minho said shrugging. 

"Yea, and it's not going to be me so, it might as well be Newt." Now everyone has their torches, we all back up and Alby yells 

"Light him up!" We all throw our lit torches, making the big fire.

 "YEAH!" we all yell and cheer. "GLADERS! GLADERS! GLADERS! GLADERS! GLADERS! GLADERS!" we all chant. Some of the Gladers start play music on different things, like buckets. Other Gladers start doing flips and tricks. 

Halfway through the bond fire the runners where all sitting and hanging to in a group talking. Me and Minho where on a log, I was laying down with my head in Minho's lap. 

I was talking to Ben when Minho taps me "yeah?" I say looking up at him. 

"Newt and the new greenie are looking at us" he tells me, and we both look at them across the fire. I look at the greenie, then Newt and wave at him. he waves back and starts talking the greenie again. 

"Newt is probably telling him about the different jobs and keepers or something." I tell Minho looking back up at him. 

"Yea, he always does that." Minho said. 

"He loves getting to tell all the info to the new greenies, Hes probably like 'those are the runners, that guy and girl in the middle there, that's Minho and Maya, they're the keepers of the runners, it's the only job that has two keepers.'" I say in an accent like newts and a lower voice. Minho and Ben laugh at me. 

"That does sound like something Newt would say." Ben says, 

"I know, right." I say sitting up to drinking my water again, then we hear the maze changing. the stone walls rubbing against each other. I cover my ears and close my eyes from the noise. my ears are really sensitive, and the noise from the mase changing always hurts my ears. 

Minho put my head on his shoulder and rubbed my back. he normal does this when the maze changes cause he knows how much the sound hurts my ears. The maze stopped changing and I slowly moved my hands from my ears.

"You okay?" Minho asked me quietly.

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Okay, good."

I just moved to lay my head in his lap again watching the fire and he put his arm over my stomach.


After a while we started hearing everyone changing "Greenie, greenie, greenie, greenie, greenie, greenie, greenie!" I look over and gally is challenging the new guy to fight him in the circle. He steps up to the circle and everyone cheers. 

I hear chucks voice over all the rest "come on, greenie! yeah!" he yells, I smile at his encouragement. 

"The rules are simple, Greenie. I try to push you out of the circle. you try to last more than 5 seconds." Gally tells him as they walk on opposite sides of the circle. Everyone chuckles and laughs at the last part. 

"Ready?" Gally askes. 

"This is not going to end well..." I whisper to Minho as I sit up from his lap. 

"No, not at all..." he whispers back. 

Gally runs at the greenie and pushes him back hard. he falls into the boys behind him, who catch him a push him back in the circle. as soon as he stands back up gally pushes him forward into the sand. Minho and I get up and stand behind some of the boys outside of the circle to get a better view. 

"Come on, greenie. we're not done yet." Gally tells him hoping around. 

"Stop calling me greenie..." the greenie tells him weakly. He obviously doesn't want to be a part of this but Gally being Gally he obviously doesn't care.

"Stop calling you that?" Gally askes him. 

"Oh, no..." I mutter under my breath. 

"What do you want to be called? shank?" Gally continues, the boys all laugh. "What do you think, boys?" Some of the boys start chanting 'Shank!'. "Does he look like a shank?" Gally askes everyone.

"This so is stupid." I mutter rolling my eyes. "Hey! Gally! Stop already, will you?" Then the greenie makes the bold decision to charge at Gally full speed. Gally just Grabs him and throws him to the ground as everyone around us cheers. 

"I think I've settled on Shank." Gally says and everyone laughs, I still don't understand why this is so fun to them. Mr. Greenie charges again and Gally grabs trying to stop him. He keeps pushing Gally until he spins him around and pushes him the ground. "Oh!' Everyone screams and starts cheering. I just lightly giggle.  

"Not bad for a greenie huh?" Mr. Greenie says happily. Then gally swings his legs around and hit the greenies leg sending him to the floor. His head slammed on the floor, and everyone groans. 

"Really Gally?" I yell as he stands up. I walk into the circle and pull the greenie to the edge as his still on the ground. "You wanna go with someone? Let's go then." I tell Gally ready to fight with him.

"Really Maya? I'm not gonna fight you." Gally tells me about to walk out of the circle.

"And why not?" I ask him with an eyebrow raised and my hand on my hip.

"Cause you're a girl, you can't handle it as much as I can." Gally is about to step out of the circle, but I know exactly how to get him back in.

"Ooh! So, what you're saying is your scared ill beat you, so you rather not try, ok I get it." I say with an innocent smile. All the boys go crazy. "Yeah, it's better to save you from that humiliation and not fight." Gally turns around with an annoyed expression. He starts walking back into the circle just like I wanted him to.

"You know what? Let's do it." Gally says get into position to fight. 

"Finally." I say getting into position.

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