Drake 🐅 (2)

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˙Main ship: Drew x Jake (pfft- again)

˙Angst: Hailey, Drake (small)

˙Title:    "Can't help it, I'm jealous. (2)"


This is the part 2 of the previous chapter, which was a smut.


Jake ignored me this morning. I keep on trying to talk to him but he just won't listen. And there's Drew... He keeps on stopping Jake from talking to me when he hesitates to. I wish he would stop. I need to know Jake's answer. Does he really not like me? I thought we had something to be honest...

Okay, now Jake's about to leave the cafeteria to go to the rehearsals, this is my chance.


"Jake?", I ask.

-"Yes, Drewy-boo?", he whispers in my ear.

I blush at the nickname.

"Can I come watch you during the rehearsals?", I whisper back.

-"Sure!", he grins brightly.

I love his smile... I can't wait to see Hailey's expression drop. I'm not dumb, she's obviously waiting for Jake to come to rehearsal with her so she can talk to him, alone. I can't allow that. She pisses me off, so let's play with her anger and limits as well.

I also can't wait to see Jake sing, he doesn't sing often with me.

"What are you dumbasses whispering about~", Henry teases.

Lettucehead, I think he's the only one that knows Jake and I are dating. I don't know, he seems like he guessed. Liam's rather confused, lol. Most people think he's dumb but that's not true. Henry is pretty smart, honestly.

Jake pats my leg underneath the table, asking me to follow him.

"I gotta go, I have rehearsals!", he removes his hand off my thigh.

-"I'm going with him", I say as I follow Jake.

Henry smirks, Liam just laughs.




Jake and I arrive in front the music room. We enter the room to see everyone was waiting for him.

"Uhh, Jake?", Hailey calls his name.

-"Hi guys! Drew wanted to come today, is that okay with you guys?", Jake asks, casually.

-"Hell no! He'll ruin everything on purpose!", Zander shouts.

-"What? I'm just here to listen to Jake. Your little freak club is popular only because of him.", I spit out.

-"See!? He's already starting!", Zander yells once more.

-"Why don't we just let him stay for a bit. If he tries to ruin it, we'll just kick him out.", Luke says, clearly still not liking my guts.

-"Yes, please!", the most handsome person in the whole universe says..

What? It's facts.

"Drew, if you try anything, I'll break you knee caps.", Milly threatens.

-"Woah, chill. I didn't try anything yet, did I?", I say.

-"Whatever... Just, don't do anything, Drew.", Hailey sighs.

-"WHAT!? HAILEY!!?", Zander screams.

-"Zander...", Luke starts, "Let's just see how it goes, okay?"

Zander just huffs.

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