Chappie 4

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Did I just friend zone Jack... I think I did. Stupid stupid stupid. Oh well he probably didn't like me anyway.

After a couple of minutes siting under that oak curled up against Jack. I felt a little sense of home. But that little sense was soon interrupted by Jack awkwardly coughing and informing me that we need to go to our dorms. I just nodded and got up.

On the way back to the dorms we were silent. I looked over at Jack and he was lost in thought with a sad look on his face. Did I cause that sad face? Was there a chance he was disappointed that I friend zoned him? So many questions formed in my brain but the voice stood above all. You ruin everything. You wasted your shot.

And for the first time since that voice showed up I couldn't help but agree with it. I looked down and took another deep breath and looked at Jack. No. I didn't waste my chance, I won't let that happen. I mustered the most confident looking face I could and kissed Jack on the cheek. "Thank you." and with those two little words I scurried into the Girls Dorm and ran up the steps.


I slammed the door behind me and turned with my back pressed against the cold wood. With my eyes closed I huffed out a breath. I can not believe I just did that. What if he didn't like it? What if I ruined everything for the second time? Wait does that make sense? Oh gosh. Deep breath.

I'm a prisoner of my own thoughts.

I opened my eyes to be greated with a shocked looking Gracey and a(n) amused looking Raychel. I raised my eyebrow as I looked at them. I didn't like it when people were looking at me whilst I over think. That's when Im most vulnerable. So I just smoothed out my shirt and walked to my bed.

As I sat down I watched Raychel and Gracey Mae. Gracey Mae was already working on Mondays assignment.. how she got I will never know. Schools closed. And Raychel was pretending to hold that 'Im better than everybody' attitude. Raychel and I held a staring contest that must have gotten to intense for Gracey because she quietly excused herself to the bathroom.

When she was gone I crossed my leg over the other and raised my eyebrow again. My lips curving up in one corner. "So I would like to think that Im good at reading people.." I said and Raychel fake rolled her eyes and examined her nails. "And i'm calling bullshit on this whole persona of yours." I said and laid back.

I watched as her face showed a glimpse of relief. Probably because finally someone knew or maybe not IM not one to assume thoughts of other peoples brains.I gave Raychel a real smile this time. "Its okay to be who you wanna be." I said. "I have learned my whole life differently."she whispered but finally dropped the attitude.

"Well maybe its time to learn something knew." I smiled and she smiled back at me. Thats how Gracey saw us as she walked in. Her face showed a little bit of confusion and... hurt. I'm going to crack her. That's my mission.


"So Raychel what do you think of Zach?" I asked. She blushed, "well he's cute and cool I guess." It was cute.

"What about you and jack?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed, "I think I just friend zoned him."

Raychel, "oh my gosh how?" "Well we were talking and I leaned on his shoulder and I said 'we are going to be great friends'," I said as the memory flashed back in my head.

She was laughing hysterically now even Gracey was laughing a little bit. "But I kissed his cheek before I got in here," I added as my cheeks heated up. "So Gracey what about you and Sammy?" I asked turning to her. She looked like she was shocked that she was even included. "I like him," she said shyly.

"Oh my gosh we could all start dating and then go on triple dates and... Oh my gosh," Raychel rambled.

I started to slip under my covers, "alright don't get to ahead of yourself." I grabbed a small near by pillow and threw it at her, "go to bed!"

"What if this bitch who brighten your day doesn't want to?" She asked. We all laughed together. Raychel finally got in her covers.

All you could here was Gracey flipping through her papers, "well ya'll are going to have to sleep with the lamp on cause I'm not done."

"Yes ma'am," I replied as I took a smell of my comforter. It still smelt like home. The smell was... Satisfying.


"So can you explain what happened with you and England..?" Zach asked... "She friend zoned me, then kissed me..." I said. "Girls are fucking confusing but at least yours actually talks...." Sammy said referring to Gracey... "Yeah man how's it with you and ginger."

"God damn no word is good enough to describe her.." Sammy said... I've seen him when he likes someone... This must be what he looks like when he loves some one... That's fucking adorable...

"How are you and Raychel...." "Amazing, but she has this whole I'm better than everyone attitude and I know it's complete bull shit..and imma figure out what that's about.Shes really cute though.."

"Well guys, we have a lot to show those three, we'll need a lot of energy, they're all of handful on their own, imagine them together." I sighed.... What a perfect fucking way to meet some perfect fucking girls..."

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