Chappie 6

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Gracey Mae~

10:00. The clock read on the mantle of the small fire place next to the bathroom door. Damn... We have a fireplace? I shook the thought out of my head and tried to refocus on the 8 pages of Calculus I had to have done. Well I don't have to do it for any other reason than I want it done..Brei and Raychel were out at some party that the guys invited us to. Me being the Grace I am didn't like parties so I stayed back.

I had just finished my last problem when I heard a knock on my window. I jumped back and fell out of my chair. "Owww." I whined rubbing my butt. I heard a cute laugh emit from outside the window and my eyebrow raised. Was someone trying to break in?

I grabbed Brei's big stuffed bunny named Tam Tam as my defense weapon.. Great choice Grace. I rolled my eyes at my silliness and headed towards the window. As I crept to it I saw a body shape. That body was very familiar. I dropped the bunny and ran to the window and pushed it open.

"Sammy!" I yelled and pushed his shoulder back a little. He quit his laughing to wipe an invisable tear from underneath his eye. I rolled my eyes but smiled anyway. "What do you want, Wilk. Shouldn't you be at that party?" I asked. "I went to that party but after seeing all those walking STDs I decided that hanging with you at the clearing would be waaay better, don't yeah think?" He raised an eyebrow and smirked. Damn.

I pretended to think about it for a second and this time he rolled his eyes at me and grabbed my waist, succesfully pulling me out of the window and onto the ground. "Sammy!" I giggled and tried to wiggle out of his grip. It was not use. Damn....again.

"Im going to carry my baby girl to the clearing." He stated more to me then anyone else. "I don't remember accepting the title of baby girl." I shyly whispered with a small smile. He looked down at me and smiled. I just laid there in his grip. His arms around me, His gorgeous face centimeters from mine, and his breathe fanning my face.

I broke eye contact and looked around to find that we were in the clearing. "Good." I whispered to myself. "Wha-" Sammy started but I cut him off with pressing my cool lips to his hot ones. Even though Sammy was caught off gaurd he quickly took control. He put my feet on the ground and turned my back towards a tree. He gently pressed me against the tree never breaking the kiss.

I moaned as he ground his hips into mine. I countered his move by hoisting myself up and wrapping my legs around his hips. He groaned and moved his lips to my neck. There he bit, licked, and kissed multiple spots on my neck creating love bites. As he created his last on my neck he blew air on them and whispered, "Mine." into my ear.

I moved his face infront of mine where I returned my lips to his. As I reached for the hem of his shirt to take it off, his hand flew to my wrist and stopped me. I stopped our kiss and looked at him questionly. "Oh my, did I do something wro-" His lips found mine again for another short kiss. I closed my eyes at the fell of his lips. He moved his forehead on mine and kissed my cheek.

"You're not ready, baby girl." He whispered and I blew a big breathe that I didn't realize I was holding. "Maybe... but I wouldn't have regreted it." I smiled and he chuckled. "Come on climb on my back. Im taking you back for a Harry Potter Movie Marathon." He smiled. I squealed and jumped on his back. And for the rest of the night we cuddled and watched Harry Potter. "Better than some stupid party" Sammy whispered when he thought I was asleep. I could feel his eyes scanning every inch of my face.

"Mine." He said as he kissed my neck again and closed his eyes to let the darkness take over. Yours. I thought before I finally did fall asleep

Mine. I smiled. She most definitely is. I woke up the next morning to two alarms going off at the same time. "too fucking early." Breighton yelled.. "Shut the fuck up." I yelled back.
"What the hell." She jumped and fell off her bed and landed on her ass. "Ow you faggot why didn't you tell me you were here?" She asked covering her eyes and rubbing her head in attempt to calm down her probably raging headache. "How's the hangover on a Monday morning." I smirked at her on the floor.
"You know what Sammy you can suck my dick." She smiled sarcastically. "My pleasure." I chuckled and threw a pillow at her. She dodged it like usual that bitch got cat like reflexes.
"Can you guys shut the heck up and let me get ready for school." Grace said from across the room. "Holy shit." I said and lost my balance and landed on top of Brei on the floor. Well actually my ass kinda fell on her stomach. She groaned and muttered something about my fat ass and how I need to stop eating all those Twinkies..

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