Ep.2: ... His body.

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- My name is Hana. Nice to meet you.

- Hana... haha, it's a girl's name, isn't it?

- Yeah, cuz i'm a girl, why?

Through You
Episode 2

Yann was sitting on his usual seat. He was staring, pretty seriously, and very unusually concentrated, at the black board.

The professor was really surprised, since Yann usually drew during classes.

The professors let him draw during classes, since he had among the best grades of all school.

So the professor just sighed before resuming his lecture.

But Yann, as he rarely was, wasn't focused at all

- «Stop asking all those questions, Hana! I can't seem to focus since you're too loud!» thought Yann, pretty annoyed.

- «But i need answers!»

- «You already had your answers!»

Two hours ago

- You, Hana, or moreover your "soul" (or counsciousness) is tied to my body. And so, you can control it, as if it was your body. But i'm still here, and have the upperhand. I kind of manage what you can do, and i can take control of the body, whenever i want to. Do you understand?

- «Kind of...?»

(W.N): If you have questions, just ask them as comments, and i will do my best to answer them, while avoiding spoilers...

Yann was trying to simplify, as much as he could, the reason why, but couldn't do better than that, since it was so complicated...
He moved on in his explaination:

Yann said he called this phenomenon "body hosting", Hana being a guest and him being the host;

- «Yeah... How can this happen though?»

- I don't know more than you on that, i just got used to it.

- «Hmmm... But why am i here? And what happened to my body? Did you summon me or something?» She said, laughing.

The reason why guests ended up in Yann's body was either intense regrets or strong will to redo, or change something. It was a really complicated process, and even Yann didn't have satisfying answers to those;

- "Oh, and don't worry about your body."

- «What? Why? Is my mind split in two or something?!»

- No, said Yann, before starting to laugh, loudly.

«Why are you laughing?!»

Then Yann took his phone. The screen showed "9th October 2017";

- «Is your phone broken or something?»

- Haha. What's the last date you remember of?

- «Yesterday was... the 10th of November?»

- Right. So one month and a day should be enough.

- «What do you mean?»

- Meh, you might be shocked, but your body is okay, since your self from a month and a day ago, the first of October Hana is living a normal day.

- «Do you mean...?!»

- Yup. We have a month and a day to figure out why you are here!

(To be continued)


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Story by @iunA & @Minary.

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