Chapter 7: Yann is a boy right? (UP)

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Yann was tired.

He looked, blankly, at his shadow on the ground. In it, he could see his naked neck slightly pulsing, the blood rising up to his head.

He was really tired.

He did not know what to respond to that too-much-curious girl called Amy. She just asked him if he was a girl or a boy, and, well, he was both! He was now thinking about how she would react if he told her the whole truth.

In her eyes, he could see genius. Maybe that's what she was, a genius, but either way she got him back against the wall;

« maybe, she began, you got that split-personality thing? Sorry, i mean it sounds weird asking that, huh? -it was-, sorry. — Oh, said Yann, it's okay, i mean yeah i guess we can call that a split-personality? I'm not sure... (Yann feared being judged wrong by Amy) — Oh, said Amy, you know it's the reason i was interested in you in the first place, haha, so it's okay » Yann was relieved Amy didn't judge him, and even had this cute interesting little smile towards him. But she looked like she could read in his mind, and this thought made him blush;

"Hey! Began thinking Hana, you know I can hear these thoughts, right? — Eh, sorry Hana, Yann answered, blushing even more, i didn't mean to — Well you look like you gotta crush on her right? — I don't!" And it kept going on like that for a while, until Amy tells Yann that being this red made him look cute, which didn't help at all.

To shorten it, Hana woke up the day before in Yann's body, and they already got figured out by Amy, this girl in front of them. But regardless of that, the three of them were having a good time.

For the rest of their time there, Amy didn't talk or ask more about Yann's mind situation, which surprised our one-bodied tandem. As they started to get used to, they said goodbye for the night, and got back to their respective house.

On the way to Yann's apartment, they looked at the beautiful dark blue-purple-slightly orange dusk sky, and the fresh air made them feel really at ease. It was super calm, and this melancholic landscape made them feel like this moment was magic. They didn't even want to think of anything because it was so good.

They finally pushed the apartment's door and entered. Yann took a shower, isolating Hana from all senses, and they got in the kitchen to eat something. They then scrolled a bit on the phone, before brushing teeth and going to bed. They were both surprised, because they were so easy being in the same body, and they discussed about the family trip they would have the next morning;

"Well, said Hana, i'm kinda nervous about that, to be honest — Really? Eh you don't need to be that way, i mean our family is not that confidential — Yeah, thought Hana, but i'm still unsure... — Don't you worry, let's get a good night's rest and call it a day, okay? — Okay, Yann, thank you." They tried to sleep, but Yann could not stop being stressed.

"Hana, said Yann who got where this stress came from, are you good? — Well i can't stop being stressed about being in the intimacy of a family i don't know... — Oh, i see — Please, Yann, can you tell me more about your Family? Please?"

Yann accepted the request, and they ended up sleeping at 2 A.M.


Thanks for reading! See you for the short comic coming up un instagram/tiktok/youtube @Craie_Works

And yeh sorry for the long hiatu U.U

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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