Episode 5: The shower

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They were silently arguing when they realized something, at the same time.

They needed to take a shower!

Through You

Yann wanted to be calm, but he couldn't.

His heart was pounding and he was breathing quite hardly. His hands were shaking.

All that didn't come from him, but from Hana. He took a deep breath, but it didn't change anything.

- I can't calm for two!

- « What? Why- Oh, yeah! But what do we do??» Said hana

Of course she was embarrassed! She was in a boy's body, and they needed to take a shower, which implies...

Hana suddenly realized:

- « Wait. Why... why didn't i feel anything between my... your legs all day? »

- Eh? I cut everything coming from there to you, obviously!

- « But... »

- Plus, i managed to not go to the restroom, as well. I mean, we didn't drink a lot today.

- « Oh... »

In the end, Yann decided to cut all senses to Hana, so she couldn't feel, see, or hear anything.

She felt like being in an infinite void, without anything to grab on as a proof that she is in reality, other than Yann's voice helping her adapt to that state...

But they both were embarrassed, so nothing particular happened, and, in the end, Yann just normally showered.


After that, they decided to talk about why Hana is there one more time, what she is here to do, and why a month ago.

In other words, they were going to establish a plan!

Hana realized she got really easy with everything happening to her.

She first thought it was a dream, and still wasn't sure about it, but she started to think that she already knew Yann from somewhere.

Maybe that could explain how she adapted so easily to Yann's original personality.

She tried to remember what happened the day before she wakes up in Yann's body, but only blurry memories weren't enough to figure it out-

- Hana.

- « Y-Yes? »  Thought Hana.

- What were you thinking about? I kind of heard some stuff about dreaming? Or memories?

When Hana heard that, she realized that it was possible to think without Yann knowing. It was really risky, because Yann could think that she had things to hide, but it could be useful.

She wasn't really afraid of anything from Yann, because she could already tell with confidence that Yann was a really nice guy, even a bit attractive, but she knew that Yann could think silently as well, and this thought reassured Hana, happy to keep some privacy-

- Oh! I got it, haha, said Yann.

- « Mmmhm? » internally said Hana, coming out from her thoughts.

- You learned how to think silently, right? Yann said, starting to kindly smile.

Yann felt that he was blushing, but it didn't come from him. He knew he was right.

- I'm reassured, he resumed.

- « Wha? Why? »

- I'm reassured you know how to have secret thoughts, and don't worry, i use them a lot, too. It helps us keep some privacy.

Yann felt like blushing even more. His smile turned into a great laugh. He felt really happy being with Hana.

Hana was embarrassed. But she was happy, because Yann and her thought the same way!


Yann and Hana were planning on when to go and meet "past Hana" (which is how they named Hana from a month ago, who obviously wasn't aware of what the one-bodied tandem was planning) when Yann's phone rang.

He read a message from someone he hated, and Hana could read as well "Don't forget, Yann, week trip in 2 days. Love you", coming from someone named "Renn"

"My brother", explained Yann.

He completely forgot he had a week-long family trip with his brother and parents!

To be continued...

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