Episode 6: the plan (UP)

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Amy was walking, towards the bus stop, lost in her thoughts.

Yann and Hana were internally talking.

Amy made a longer way to the bus stop Yann usually were at at this hour.

- Yann... Such an interesting boy... wait, girl? Only by judging his attitude, i could say both, said Amy out loud, not really concerned about people hearing.

She then saw the dark blue-haired boy she had a cup of coffee the previous day with.

Her face lightened up and her cheek helplessly turned red. Whatever how Yann acted! She wanted to learn to know him!

- Hey, Yann! She called.

- Ah! Eh, you surprised me, said Yann, turning around to look at her.

The boy's voice has sounded pretty high, almost ignoring the limits of his body. This made Amy even more confused about who Yann really was; a boy or a girl?!

- How have you been, Yann?

- ...Ah, i've been good. But why are you here? I mean, it's not your usual bus stop?

- Uuuh? What if i wanted to make my way to school with you? Answered Amy.

This made Hana, who took over an hour ago, helplessly turn red. She knew it came from Yann, but it also made her confused.

- « She's definitely- » Began Yann.

- « No, she's not interested in you, at least, not in a romantic way. » Continued Hana.

The two had begun talking about Amy ten minutes ago, and where arguing about Amy's interest in Yann.

- You're an interesting person, Yann, ended up saying Amy.

- Me? Said Hana, and Yann at the same time.

Amy was surprised to see Yann pointing his two arms and hands at himself. "Quite an interesting way" she thought.

Yann and Hana eventually both felt embarrassed for both Amy's remark and their stupid physical reaction.

- the previous night -

Yann's body was lying on the side of the bed, staring blankly at the roof. It's owner and his guest were thinking about everything that was planned:

- « Okay, began Hana, there is your family trip you completely forgot about the day after tomorrow. »

- « Yeah » simply answered Yann.

- « The family trip is a week long. Is there anything planned after that? »

- « My roommate, began Yann, he's gonna come back around when we come back from the trip. »

- « Oh, okay. Just a question. Where will we go for the family trip? Uh, we, i mean, you, but i will come with you anyway. »

- « Yes. They, my family, told me about different spots. But as a trip, it's not about going to the beach or the mountain, but more about discovering some little country towns. »

Hana found the idea pretty unusual, but interesting.

She couldn't help but find it kind of exciting.

- « Eh... well it would have been if it wasn't for this idiot » Said Yann, sounding kind of angry and sad at the same time.

- « Your brother? »

- « Yeah... »

Hana asked what happened so Yann hated his brother so much. He promised he would tell her the next day, and asked about her schedule.

- « My schedule? » Asked Hana, surprised.

- « Yes. Past Hana's schedule for the upcoming month. »

Hana told him she didn't have a lot of things coming up, other than some exams, which would not change much to her free time, other than
the fact that she would be a bit on the edge.

« When does these exams start? » Asked Yann, to which Hana told that they would begin the next week and would be two-week long.

It made Yann worried, but not that much, since, he knew it, a month was a pretty long period.

- back to the next day -

Yann and Amy sat next to each other. Amy was still over, and she was kind of stressed, because of Yann being so.

She was starting to lose her ease, and started a conversation with Amy, out of that awkward silence there was until then.

They started talking about regular stuff, and Yann calmed down, before Hana's chatting skills.

Amy proposed to get together after classes for a walk at the park, and she gave her phone number to Yann. They said yes, because they both thought it was a good idea.

- Mmhmm okay, then! Let's do that! Said Amy. Oh, by the way! I wanted to ask you something really important since yesterday, and i'm dying to ask you right now...

- Oh! Go ahead, haha.

- Uhm, began Amy, how can i ask that... Are you.. uhh, are you a boy or a girl?

- Wha?

To be continued...

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