Chapter 9

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Hi friends it's my birthday today 🤗I want to give gift to all my readers so double update ❤️🤗 hope you guys like my gift 😂🤗

"Kongpob, what the hell are you doing here?"

Kongpob, who was laughing hard while clutching his stomach, stopped laughing and looked at Arthit.

"What do you mean by 'what you are doing?' You invited me here, remember? '' Kongpob said, trying to stifle his laughter. He failed miserably though and laughed harder while looking at Arthit.

Arthit kicked him under the table when he couldn’t take it anymore.

Kongpob jumped from the seat and rubbed his leg, looking at Arthit with a frown. "P'Arthit, what the hell? Why did you kick me? Is this how you treat your guest? Remember you invited me?"

"So what if I invited you? Is it necessary for you to come and sit beside me?"

"If you invite me to meet you, where should I sit if not beside you?” 

Arthit gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. "So can't you see that my girlfriend is here? Go and sit somewhere else and come back when I call you."

"P'Arthit, you invited me here. You came to me for help and now you are behaving like a jerk to me. If you keep treating me like this I will go home and will never help you." Kongpob said, disappointed.

"Yeah whatever. Now just go and sit somewhere and come back when I asked you to."

Kongpob looked at him for a second before getting up from the seat mumbling, "Can't believe he was the head hazer who taught his juniors how to respect others."

Arthit heard what his junior mumbled and looked back to his girlfriend.

"P'Arthit, who was it? His name sounds familiar and why did you bring him with you?" Kat asked Arthit.

Arthit turned to look at Kat, "Kongpob, remember my junior from my university?"

Kat thought for a while before the name rang a bell. "Oh! Kongpob! The one you always whined about? Why is he with you?"

Arthit explained his plan to Kat and looked at her expectedly, seeking her opinion about the plan.

Kat looked at him confusedly "P'Arthit, who gave you this plan? And you really think it will work? It doesn't make any sense to me at all." 

"Bright, give me the idea and..”

"What? P'Bright? And you agreed with him?" Kat asked him, shocked

"Yeah I know Bright is not that bright but I don't know. This time I feel like it would work and I really want to give it a chance. My heart says that it will work."

"But my heart says that it's gonna bring on a disaster. I don't want to do it at all, and why do you even want to take someone else to your home? Why don't you just take me? We can prove to Mae that I am not a bad person like she believes and maybe she will accept me."

Arthit clicked his tongue. "No Kat, if I brought you home I would feel like I am waking up to a  soap drama every day and I don't want that. Also, I don't want to force Mae to accept you. I want her to accept our relationship wholeheartedly." Arthit said giving her the big puppy eyes which he knew Kat could never say no to.

Kat looked at him helplessly "P'Arthit, don't make that face. I just don't know. I feel like something bad will happen."

Arthit looked at her, jutting out his lips. "But I really want to do it and what if it works? If we don't end up together, I will regret my entire life for not trying this." He said in a small voice, playing with her fingers.

Kat shook her head. She knew how stubborn her older boyfriend was and he would never listen to anyone once he made up his mind. So she knew that she didn’t have any other options like every other time other than agreeing to her boyfriend. "What about Kongpob? Did he agree to the plan?"

Arthit's face lit up. "So you are ok with the plan? That kid has already agreed to be my boyfriend but I haven't told him my entire plan. I am sure he wouldn’t have any problems with the plan though."

"Why? Why wouldn’t he have any problem? Why did he even agree to be your boyfriend in the first place?" Kat asked suspiciously.

"Oh Kat don't worry, I know him well. He is indeed a brat but not a bad person. And about agreeing to be my boyfriend, it's not a hard thing to understand. He always loved being a hero in every situation. You know, when I was hazing him he always tried to be a hero and save his friends. He even stood up for his sophomore seniors. And when he came to Ocean Electrics for his internship, remember that incident I told you? About when we got into trouble because of P’John? He wanted to become the hero in front of our colleagues and saved our company with the help of his father. Now, I have heard that he is working for his own company and he even started from the lowest position. So he might miss being a hero. Now that he has gotten a chance, he wants to become my hero by saving me." Arthit ended his long story with a shake of his head.

"You sure? That he is a good person? I don't know, it's just that he indeed looks like a good person but there is something about him which makes me feel that I have to be careful about him." Kat said worriedly.

"Oho Kat, you think too much. Don't worry everything will be alright and you will get your true love as a soulmate too." Arthit said in a reassuring smile.

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