Numb (Chapter 11)

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Bethany's POV
He grabs my hand and guides me upstairs to his room where was he taking me? Was he gonna try to have sex with me ? We get to his room, "close your eyes for a sec" and I can hear him getting something. Open them, he hands me a green pipe with a small bag of maraujauna. "We can do it here right now my parents are at work" I have never smoked at all so I don't even know how,and he lights up a pipe and hands it to me. "Just inhale slowly and exhale slowly it's easy then just let it happen" I grab the pipe and inhale it slowly as he watches me and I begin to cough and struggle. But the more puffs I take the more blurred vision I get and more relaxed I feel. I fall over onto Derek bed and lay down, I can almost feel my body shutting down i know I'm not dying but it feels like my body is turning off and I feel my eyes closing. I wake up still laying in his bed he's leaning against the wall with his eyes shut. I have good vision but my body aches. Whatever he gave me before wasn't just weed it was something else mixed with weed. I get up and look for my keys and my phone I see them sitting on the table and I walk over. I get a price of paper and pen "hey had to go had fun thanks -Bethany" and I place it next to him on his bed. I look at the clock and its 8:47 pm fucking crap. I run out to my car hurrying hoping that Crawford didn't already try to sneak in through my window expecting to see me. I drive quickly to my house pulling in the drive way and running up to the door and quietly unlocking the door. I walk in and my dad is laying on the couch sleeping, I tiptoe up the stairs trying not to make the stairs creek. I finally get up stairs and walk into my room I shut the door,I don't see Crawford and I lay on my stomach on my bed. I can almost feel my bed moving but I'm sitting still. I feel hands snake around my waist I flip my body over and it's Crawford, he leans his forehead against mine. "I told you I'd come back" and he leans his head on my chest and I run my fingers lightly through his hair. He leans his forehead on mine and kisses me our lips move in a slow syncing motion getting deeper and more sloppy as it goes on.

Crawford's POV
I hold her face with both my hands stroking her cheeks just looking into her eyes. I roll off her and lay on my side next to her, want me to stay here with you tonight with you? "If you think you can without my parents finding out both my parents have work" I'll take that as a personal challenge. "Okay well I'm gonna go get changed stay here" and she kisses my forehead. She grabs clothes and walks into the bathroom, I take off my shoes and shove them under the bed. She comes back and lays next to me in loose lace shorts and a tank top. I pull her into my lap and hold her against me and shut off the light by her bed. We both lay down holding each other, I gently trace circles on the center of her back with my nail knowing that it'll help her sleep.And before I knew it I look at her and she is asleep all curled up against me sleeping.I pull the blanket over us and lay my head over her holding her and I close my eyes and fall asleep. * I wake up the next morning and she's still sleeping I get up slowly and look out her window seeing that nobody is home. I look at the clock and its 10:38, I lay back down next to her and hold her as she leans her back against my chest. She stretches her arm out and turns to me and smiles, "my parents get home kinda early today so we'll have to watch the clock" alright, and I pull her close and kiss her, "I don't think you can come over at all this week my parents are off all week for break and they'll be watching me" alright we'll figure something out, I pick her up and carry her downstairs and lay her on the couch.

Bethany's POV
He's not acting like his usual self, he sits next to me and holds my legs on his lap. I move my legs off him and climb on him,kissing his neck and holding onto him. I hear giggling on the front door knob,I get off him quickly and fall off the couch and he falls on me. "Bethany were home!!!!" And they walk over towards the couch and see us laying on the floor. "Heeeey mom" I say nonchalantly Bethany? "Why is Crawford here? We talked about this!!!" I stand up and she pulls me into the kitchen, "Bethany!! Do you get it? He just wants to have sex with you and then if you get pregnant he will leave!! He looks like a low life delinquent..." I don't care if he looks like a low life delinquent then so do I, I'm in love with him and there isn't anything you can tell me that'll change that. I run out into the living room and he's gone, I run out the door and he's pulling out of my drive way and I jump in front of his car. Crawford wait please!! And he pulls over and steps out of the car. "I need you to listen to me, I really really love you and your amazing and your absolutely beautiful but you heard your parents they are set on thinking I'm terrible. I know that we have feelings for each other but I don't think this is gonna work out, I'm really sorry"

I told you guys it'd get heated 😆 after like 11 chapters lol I hope y'all like it xoxo -Anna

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