Ill love you better (chapter 4)

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Crawford's POV
I crack open 4 huge eggs and bacon and as I begin cooking she stands next to me and looks up at me and smiles. "I love you" and she lays her head on my shoulder, I love you too sweetie and I kiss her forehead. I hold her waist against me with my right hand and my left I'm using to cook.I lean my head on her head, and the only thing that I can think off is her and that kid him having her and being able to touch her and it just pissed me off a lot. As I'm finishing up cooking she gets two plates forks knives and pours us each orange juice, we sit down and she keeps looking up and smiling at me. And I keep catching her doing it but it's alright I like it and she looks up and grabs my hand. I squeeze it tight and I finish and drink my juice, she is still eating but hadn't let go of my hand yet and I thought it was so cute. She finishes and puts her dish in the sink and stands in frount of the window over the sink and overviews the mountains behind her house in her backyard. I come up from behind her and slide my arms around her hips and pulling her close to me. She turns her body around and digs her face in my chest, "I love you" I hear her softly mumble. I love you too and I pick her up and carry her to her room, you know I've been staying here for like a week now? Your not tired of me yet? "I can't ever be tired of you because I can't get enough of you baby" good whisper to her, then I should go back to my house and get clothes and stuff. "Yayy!!" was she like joking I've never seen someone so happy to have me around all the time but I love her and she loves me. I need to go home and get some stuff then aha, "on our way to the nail place want to stop by your house?" Yeah that's good.

Bethany's POV
I run up the stairs with Crawford right behind me and when I get up to my room I put on black leggings and a red plaid, and I grab my brown boots that go up past my knee a little. And I grab my sweatshirt and my purse and he playfully chases me down the stairs. When we get to the bottom I grab my keys and my phone and we run out to his car and when we get in he starts the car and drives out "alright my house then the nail salon" okay and I look up at him and smile. We drive on what seems like every windy back road there is and soon enough we pull up to a old but pretty house and we walk inside to an empty house,Where is your parents and stuff? Well I have a brother Chris and two sisters karisma and Kristen but in between school work and having a social life nobody is ever really here. And he walks up the stairs and half way up he looks down and realizes I'm not behind him and he walks back and grabs my hand and we walk upstairs. We walk into his big room I lay in his bed while he puts clothes a toothbrush and a ton of other stuff into a black vans backpack. He throws the bag over his shoulders, then he gently holds me over his shoulder I hold onto his back as we walk down the stairs he puts me down and I kiss his cheek and we walk out of the house and lock the door and run to the car. When we get in he starts the car and we drive out of his drive way and onto the road, we drive for about 15 minutes till we get to the salon and when we do we walk inside and it smells of nail glue and nail polish remover. "I will wait right here" and he plops down on a couch and I sit in a chair thats by him kind of and as the lady files my nails I can see Crawford staring at me in the corner of my eye. I look over at him and he's making faces at me and trying to get me to laugh. I get up and walk over by the colors they have that you can choose from I'm getting acrylic sparkly nails that are kinda pointy at the end. And as the girl is doing my nails I can feel my phone beeping on the table next to my hand I gleam over to look at the screen, and it's just Crawford saying "I luv you❤️" I look up at him and giggle and I just stare at him as he watches me and when the lady finishes she sends me to a table to dry my nails. My nails dry pretty quickly in under 15 minutes and then I give the woman money and tip her. We leave and as soon as we get outside he grabs my hand and holds it.

Crawford's POV
As the hours get closer to when she goes to the prom I'm starting to get more and more excited for her she is gonna look so beautiful. Maybe when she gets home later I'll draw a bubble bath and me and her can relax and then hangout and watch tv and stuff till we just fall asleep. We get back to her house and she goes up stairs to get ready and do her hair and makeup and stuff.

Bethany's POV
I put half my hair up in a big ponytail on the top of my head and then I curl my long light brown hair and then I attempted to do a smokey eye look with fake lashes it came out alright. I go into the bathroom and shave my legs my arms and get my sparkly pumped heels. I spray my hair with hair spray and do my concealer makeup and powder. I put on nude matte lip stick, I can already hear my neighbors getting picked up by there dates. I grab the dress and slip it on over my hips and it hugs my body and I grab my shoes and I spray perfume and then I carry my shoes and go down stairs.

Crawford's POV
I hear her walking down the stairs and I look up and she looks so beautiful and I knew in that second that I was extremely grateful that she was coming home to me tonight. I wouldn't want anyone else but her she sits on the couch next to me and starts to put on her shoes. She looked absolutely beautiful, I lean in and kiss her neck and she starts laughing and running her fingers through my hair. "Crawford I love you so much" I love you too I keep saying in between kisses. I can hear her neighbors being picked up but she isn't getting picked up yet for some reason. "Ugh I hope Bryan's okay he's late" he will be here don't worry, we both sit on the couch and watch tv patiently waiting for him to show up. I can see as 20 minutes passes by that she's starting to get a little upset. Her perky smile faded her twinkle that she had in her eyes was gone and she didn't look like the happy girl I knew. I saw a tear stream down her face as she looked down. I picked her up and sat her down on my lap and held her close to me, don't cry baby it's okay. "But Crawford I got this dress and my hair and did my nails and my makeup for nothing oh my god I'm so stupid!!!" And she throws her arms up and sobs, baby no you aren't stupid he is because he's gonna miss out on a beautiful amazing wonderful girl. I use my sweatshirt to wipe off the tears from her face, I carry her up to her bed room and when we get up there I lay her on her bed then rummage through my bag I got earlier. I look for a nice shirt and dressy pants which I have and I run into the bathroom and change out of the closes I was in and into the new ones. I walk into her room and sit next to her, Bethany? She sits up and looks at me confused. "Crawford? Why are you dressed up?" Because I'm taking you to this prom and we're gonna have so much fun. "Crawford you don't have to take me I'll go next year I'll even have a dress" no I wanna take you. You'll have fun baby come on, and I grab her arm and walk her down the stairs I grab my phone and my car keys and we run out the door.

Bethany's POV
I think Crawford is such a sweet heart for taking me to the prom. We get in his car and we drive to the place where it is. As soon as we arrive there I step out of the car everyone is looking at me and as soon as Crawford steps out everyone's eyes look at him they all look confused. Everyone knew that I was coming with Bryan, so they all looked confused. As soon as we get in the building we start taking pictures and one of my close friends Sara comes up to us. "Hey Bethany!! isn't this greaaaattt?! Aha what happened to Bryan?" You can tell she's tipsy Oh he never showed up this is Crawford you know the guy I texted you about? "Ohhhh he is cuter " aha I know. And she walks away stumbling like an idiot, a slow song comes on and Crawford grabs my hands and pulls me onto the dance floor swaying my body back and fourth slowly.I lay my head on his shoulder with his chin on mine, "I love you so much baby girl" he whispers in my ear it sent chills up and down my spine making me giggle. He twirls me around and then pulls me back into his arms and presses his nose against mine. The song ends and we walk over to a table where my friends Alyssa her date Robbie, Andrea, and her date Dylan. Crawford this is Andrea, Dylan, Alyssa and Robbie, guys this is Crawford, "Hey Crawford!" They all say welcomingly "hey everyone!" We sit down and start talking. "I'm gonna go get some punch I'll be back" Crawford says.

Crawford's POV
I walk causally over to the punch table and I see that tipsy girl Sara from before. I walk up to the table and begin pouring me and Bethany punch. "HEYY your that cutie Crawford? Can I show you something?!" She grabs my arm and pulls me into this room where we are alone. She unzips her dress from the back and pulls it over her arms showing her chest with just a bra on. "I really like you a lot and I wanna have some fun with you" she pulls me closer kissing me but I felt absolutely nothing. And then the door opened wide and Bethany is standing there shocked with her mouth wide open looking like shes about to burst into tears.

So far so y'all like it?! I hope so love you guys Xoxo

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