A lover's Quarell

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For the past several weeks, Sebastian has been noticing that he hasn't been feeling like himself, he soon discovered that he was pregnant.

Worried about what Claude would think, he kept it hidden from him, as time went on, it was starting to get difficult to keep it from his mate, they've been together for several years and have known each other for even longer than that, Claude knew Sebastian like the back of his hand.

One day, Sebastian was taking a small nap on the couch in their living room, a pillow hugged to his stomach to try and ease the nausea he had been feeling.

He hadn't noticed that Claude had walked into the living room and gently nudged his leg with his foot.

Claude had his arms crossed over his chest, he had noticed that Sebastian hadn't been acting like himself, but didn't suspect pregnancy.

Sebastian felt Claude nudge his leg and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Oh, hello, darling. I didn't notice you had come in" he said with a smile, stifling a soft yawn

Claude didn't say anything, he ignored Sebastian calling him darling and scoffed softly under his breath. "You've made a mess of yourself, Michaelis. If I had known you would turn into such a slob, I wouldn't have married you in the first place." the tone of his voice was way more harsh than he had intended.

Sebastian stared at him with wide eyes, his words stabbing his heart like knives, then, tears began to rain down his face.

"Claude... How could you say something like that to me? You have no idea how I've been feeling for the past several weeks! I know that I haven't been acting like myself lately, but you wouldn't understand!" he yelled, then he rose from his place on the couch and ran into a spare room where he liked to go when he wanted to be alone.

Claude stood frozen in place for a few seconds, when he heard a door slam shut, he snapped back to reality and went to the room Sebastian had just run into.

He gently knocked on the door. "Sebastian?" he said softly, pressing his ear to the door, he could hear Sebastian crying.

He frowned, Sebastian had never cried like that in front of him. He knocked on the door again, then wiggled the knob, noticing it was locked.

He sighed softly and pressed his forehead to the door. "Darling, please let me in"

Sebastian was sitting in front of the door, he raised his head when he heard Claude call him darling, that was the first time he had said that in a while, it only made his tears flow harder.

Claude sighed again, listening to his mate crying broke his heart. "Darling, my darling raven, please open the door" he said softly, his tone of voice gentle and soft.

He stayed there for a few minutes, he then heard Sebastian sniffling. "Go away, Claude" Sebastian's voice was shaky and rough from crying.

"Sebastian, please. I need to talk to you. I'm really sorry for what I said" he apologized.

Finally, Sebastian stood up from his place in front of the door and let Claude in, he hung his head, not wanting Claude to see his tear stained face.

Claude slowly approached his mate, he reached his hands out, but Sebastian moved them away.

"You don't understand how I've been feeling or what I've been dealing with the past several weeks. I need you now more than ever Claude, and you say such hurtful things to me, it makes me wonder if you even loved me to begin with" Sebastian finally spoke, keeping his head hung and arms wrapped around his stomach, tears still slowly trickling down his face.

Claude's mouth hung open a bit at Sebastian's words, he had no idea he had upset him so much, he sighed softly. "I had no idea how much I had hurt you. What type of mate am I for hurting the one I love so dearly?"

Sebastian slightly raised his head to look at Claude. "I've been worrying that you would eventually want to leave, I need you more than ever, Claude. Because I'm...." he paused, hesitant about what he should say.

Claude waited patiently for Sebastian to say what he had been wanting to say.

Sebastian tightly shut his eyes. "I'm.... I'm pregnant!" he blurted out, he quickly covered his mouth with his hand and turned away from Claude, who was stunned silent.

"What did you just say?" he asked, still in shock.

Sebastian slowly turned toward Claude, finally facing him. "I discovered a few weeks ago that I'm pregnant, but I've been worried that you wouldn't want the child or you would leave me" he admitted, feeling like he could cry again.

Getting over his shock, Claude gently brought Sebastian to his chest and began to weave his fingers through his hair, rubbing his other hand up and down his back.

"Oh, darling. Why didn't you tell me instead of allowing your emotions to build up? I couldn't be happier with the news. I love you so much, and I adore our child" he said with a smile, gently cupping Sebastian's tear stained face and drying his tears.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you so much, Sebastian. From now on, I'll pay better attention to your feelings" Sebastian buried his face against Claude's chest, new tears raining down his cheeks.

"I'm so relived, I was so worried about your reaction to such news, that you would be angry with me" he cried softly.

Claude held him and allowed him to cry as much as he needed. "Shh, my darling, my darling raven, I love you so much. I wouldn't ever leave you. I made that vow when we got married. Now, why would I be angry with such news? It's life changing, yes, but it's wonderful nonetheless" he whispered soothingly.

Sebastian eventually calmed his tears, afterwards, he felt exhausted for letting nearly a month's worth of anxiety and fear spill out, Claude gently scooped him into his arms and carried him to their bed, laying down with him held against his chest, his hand gently caressing his stomach.

"I love you, my raven" Claude whispered, kissing Sebastian's lips lovingly.

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