chapter twelve

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Light rain started pouring down on them, refreshing as it sprinkled Olivia's face. She dismounted Nina, feeling the damp said sink beneath her boots as she advanced further along the beach.

"Why would she do this," Olivia wondered out loud.

"It's because of Raven," replied Pin.

"Why? What happened?"

"After you left the other day at the beach, Zoe and I had a race. She used a whip to win, and now Raven won't approach her I think," Pin said. Olivia frowned. It wasn't like Zoe to do something like this, something else must be going on with her. Why wouldn't Zoe tell her? Maybe because you've been so caught up in your own problems you haven't bothered checking in on your friends, Olivia scolded herself. When was the last time she'd done something with Zoe, or the last time she'd checked on Becky? Soon she would have to do something with Pony Squad.

"This is my fault, I should've been there for her," Olivia said, looking down at the tips of her boots. She felt Pin's hand on her shoulder.

"You're not responsible for everyone else's well being Olivia, don't blame yourself. Come on, let's keep going," he said, walking ahead. They silently walked along the coast of the beach, the dark rain clouds blocking out the sun. "Hey look," noticed Pin. Olivia turned to where he was pointing, noticing hoof prints ahead. "They've been here."

"Then we should keep going this way, we'll find them eventually," Olivia said, picking up the pace again. Comfortable silence fell upon them once more, the lull of the waves and crunching of sand under their horses' hooves the only sounds heard.

"Olivia," suddenly said Pin, stopping in his tracks.

"Yeah?" Olivia said, stopping as well.

"Look, there's uh, there's something I need to tell you," Pin said, rubbing his hands together.

"What is it?" she asked, slight concern creeping in. Was he alright?

"Well, the thing is—" he started, but a loud ringing cut him off. Olivia sheepishly took out her phone.

"I'm so sorry, it's Mia, it might be important," she said apologetically.

"Right, of course, go ahead," Pin said.

"Hello?" Olivia picked up.

"Hey, any traces of Zoe?" Mia asked.

"We found some hoof prints on the beach, it might be her," Olivia said.

"Okay, well, I need you back at Bright Fields, I can't keep stalling friendlies much longer. Holloway's wondering where Pin and Emma went too," she said. "I'll get Marcus to check out the beach."

"Okay, be right there, bye," Olivia slid her phone back into her pocket. "Mia needs me back at Bright Fields for the friendlies, and Holloway's looking for you, let's go," she said, turning Nina around.

"What about Zoe?" Pin asked.

"Marcus is still out looking for her," Olivia answered, kicking Nina into a canter.

"Right, okay," mumbled Pin, taking off after Olivia. They reached Bright Fields in a few minutes, slowing down and dismounting their horse as they approached the gate.

"Oh my god you were gonna tell me something and I completely forgot," Olivia said in realization. "I'm so sorry, what is it you were gonna say?" she asked Pin. The boy looked at her for a moment before replying.

"I'll tell you another day," he said.

"Alright, but if you ever need to talk, I'm always here," she answered, resting a hand on his arm for a moment before walking off towards the arena. Emma was already back and putting on her presentation, and Olivia cheered along for her as she got ready for her turn.

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