chapter fifteen

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Wind danced frivolously around Olivia, lifting her hair in a flowing mane behind her as she and Nina headed straight towards a jump. When they were a reasonable distance away from the jump, Olivia instinctively leaned forward, shifting her weight slightly to the stirrups as Nina jumped, landing on the other side of the jump.

"Great job Olivia! Keep up the good work," praised Marcus as she rounded up towards the next series of jumps. After completing them fairly successfully, Olivia brought Nina over to where Zoe and Raven were waiting for their turn on the jumps, Susie and her horse there as well. Looking over to the next paddock where the Holloway team was training, Olivia found Emma going through her jumps particularly well considering she was still rather unused to riding with her new horse Stumpy. Olivia's eyes scanned the field, finding many familiar faces but no sign of Pin.

"Anyone see Pin?" Olivia wondered out loud. She hadn't seen him since last night when he'd left the tent after curing Bob. And kissed her on the head, she thought with a small smile.

"No, sorry," said Susie.

"He's still home, I texted him earlier to ask if he could check on Raven, he said he'd be there in about an hour," Zoe said.

"Oh, alright, thanks. Is Raven alright?" she asked in concern at the fact that Zoe had asked Pin to check on him.

"Oh, yeah, everything's fine, he's just been a little tired lately. I know it's probably just the stress lately, but I wanted to make sure it was nothing bad," Zoe explained. Olivia nodded in understanding. Their training session ended shortly after, and Olivia made her way to the temporary stable she'd ended up getting for Nina at Holloway. She had to admit, they were much bigger, and definitely more comfortable for the horses than the ones they had at Bright Fields, or well, used to have. On her way out, Olivia stopped by the cafe for a short chat with Emma, catching up with her before heading out into the courtyard. She immediately spotted Pin and Zoe talking as Pin most likely finished checking up on Raven. Olivia noticed Gaby walk by, and it seems Zoe noticed her too, because Olivia heard her call out to her, though her call was ignored by Gaby. Looking confused for a moment, Zoe went after Gaby, leaving Pin alone when Olivia approached him.

"Hey Pin," she greeted him, walking closer.

"Hi," he drawled.

"Is everything alright?" Olivia asked, picking up on his tone.

"Yeah sorry it's just— My mum's back," he said quietly. Olivia's expression turned to one of shock.

"Oh," she breathed out. She couldn't form any other words as her mind whirred. She could only begin to imagine how Pin must be feeling right now. If her father randomly showed up again, Olivia couldn't well imagine being too happy about it.

"Yeah," replied Pin sourly.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about it, I don't think I would either if I were in your situation, but, if you ever need anything, i'm always there. I know it's not the same, but my dad left me too, I can sort of understand," said Olivia. She didn't want to overstep any boundaries, but she also wanted Pin to know he could rely on her.

"Thanks Olivia, that— that means a lot," Pin said genuinely. Olivia smiled. "Actually, there is one thing maybe you could do, but don't feel like you have to say yes or anything, I know i'm asking a lot but... my mum's cooking dinner tonight and, I think I would feel less anxious if you were there," Pin said sheepishly.

"Of course," Olivia said warmly. "What time do you want me to show up?" she asked. Pin looked slightly shocked for a moment that Olivia had agreed so quickly, but he quickly recovered with a shy smile.

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