chapter nineteen

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"How's it going, me hearties?" Becky called out as she approached the Bright Fields team.

"Uh... kind of nervous," admitted Susie.

"Majorly nervous," added Olivia as she brushed through Nina's mane.

"Yeah, I have butterflies in my stomach for sure," furthered Zoe.

"Mine feel more like pterodactyls," said Jade harshly as she walked by.

"Good. You should be nervous," Mia said as she arrived. "We have to win."

"Mia," Marcus said warningly.

"What? We need the prize money to rebuild the stables. Otherwise Bright Fields is gone."

"No pressure," Olivia muttered under her breath.

"Okay, everyone relax," said Marcus. "We can't worry about what's going to happen next. We trained for this. We're ready. Get out there and enjoy yourselves."

"But mainly, don't lose," added Mia as she took off, Susie and Jade following after her.

"I think he's picking up on my nerves," said Zoe worriedly.

"Yeah, he'll do that," replied Marcus. "You've just gotta make him feel like it's just a regular day, stick to your routine," he added, walking off, waving at Olivia on the way. The girl returned his wave, giving Nina's mane one last brush before joining Zoe.

"Relax Zoe, we've got this in the bag," Olivia told her friend. "Seriously, you're one of the most talented riders I've met. Not just anyone could learn to ride like you have in the space of one summer," she added.

"Thanks Livie," said Zoe gratefully. The two girls hurried off, hoping to catch up with the rest of the team, before promptly crashing right into the one person they exceptionally didn't want to see.

"Sorry," Zoe apologized as she dropped her things to the ground.

"No, no, my fault, I wasn't concentrating. Here," said James, handing Zoe her belongings.

"Hey," said Gaby, a tentative half smile on her lips.

"Hey yourself," replied Zoe, Olivia immediately picking up on the obvious tension. "See the course?" she asked.

"Yeah. It looks kinda tricky," replied Gaby nervously.

"I guess we'll just have to do our best."

"You know there's a real buzz about you and Raven. People are saying you're the ones to beat," said James. Olivia and Zoe shared a confused look.

"Why is he being so nice?" Both Gaby and James laughed.

"Look, I'm sorry our training didn't work out," said James. "But, you'll always follow your own rules. Using your voice, your other little motivating techniques."

"Okay..?" replied Zoe, Olivia as equally confused by James uncharacteristic behavior.

"Good luck Zoe, and Olivia," he said with a nod, before continuing on his way with Gaby.

"What the hell did I just witness," said Olivia once they were out of ear shot.

"I don't know, that was just... really weird," answered Zoe as the two continued on their original route. "Do you think he's up to something?"

"Could be. I mean, it wouldn't exactly be surprising but... I think he might just be trying to get into our heads," said Olivia.

"You're right."

"I'm gonna go wish Pin good luck before Holloways round," announced Olivia, parting ways with Zoe. She made her way to where Emma had briefly mentioned Holloway had settled their horses. "Hi!" she called out cheerfully when she found Pin. The latter turned around and smiled at Olivia, her stomach still churning at the sight even now.

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