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MAD scientist. that's what they called the young boy ever since middle school. he would always created so many things in his laboratory which was down in his parents basement. he was a genius. no one dare to challenge him when it came with science and math. yet being a mad scientist came with a cost. he never was able to make friends since they were into other things. he always locked himself away, watching his fellow classmates have fun without him. he would be in his own world, creating new innovations.
the quiet thirteen year old takes a seat in his desk and pulls out his notebook, coming up with a new creation. he could hear the laugher of his classmates as they walk into the classroom. he looks up to see their big smiles. after they all walked inside, the door opens again. everyone assumed it was the teacher at first so they stood up, yet their eyes widened when they saw a little girl walk inside. he looks up again and makes eye contact with her. 'what is a foreign doing here?' he asked. the teacher then walks inside and the students bowed. "ah! you followed your way here. i thought you would need a student to show you the way. well class, i will like you to meet your new classmate, (l/n) (y/n). she is studying here only for a few months so please treat her nicely" all of the students looked at you, examining your face. "why don't you sit next to jeon jungkook. he's a nice guy. jungkook, please raise your hand" the teacher said, having all of them look at him. the quiet boy raised his hand as he stares at you. you made your way to him, taking the empty seat. jungkook looked over, noticing that you looking straight at the teacher and ignoring him like he was a ghost. that's when he knew that you were gonna treat me like the way the others do.
after class, the bell rings indicating that it was now lunch time. jungkook looks down at his desk, already knowing that all of his classmates were going to the cafeteria. yet he looks over to his right to see you still there. he watches you pull out a small notebook. his eyes widened when he saw so many math equations on a page. you noticed he was staring so you looked at him. "got a problem with my notebook?" you ask and he gulps, shaking his head. "a-actually, i haven't seen anyone know geometry and trigonometry in our age. the name is jungkook" he introduces himself. "i know. you should know my name already since the teacher said it" your (e/c) eyes landed on his little notebook which showed a stretch of his new creation he's starting. "nice, but that won't work. you're going to have to change this to something else. if you do the math, then percent error is big. i recommend you do this instead" you take his notebook and do some changes. "what are you surprised too that i know this? my father is an engineer while my mother is a scientist. they taught me this which is why i know more than a normal thirteen year old girl" you said.
and that's how their relationship started. their love for science and mathematics. the two of them would often go over to his laboratory where they created new inventions. then they would go to her house where her parents would teach them new ways to create things. not so long ago, they built their very first car with spare parts. jungkook was finally happy and having fun unlike before. he found someone who shared the same interests as him. jungkook found someone who isn't afraid to challenge him in anything. you're truly a genius in his eyes. you built a small robot that does anything you ask for. yet his passion for science and math was slowly fading away when you two entered the robotics competition. you got first place while he got second. he was happy for you, yet when he saw at all of the students ran up to you asking questions and giving you complements, a sudden wave of jealousy rushed through his system. jungkook was jealous how you got the attention he wanted from his classmates for his smartness. they treated him like an outcast while they open their arms for you. it was unfair. and since that day, he grew hatred towards you.