Tubbo_Beloved: a Great Mind

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Tubbo. Oh, our beloved 'master mind'. Tubbo worked as the little leader of the Bench Trio- though Tommy would never agree to that and claim himself as the leader. Tubbo worked on making their gear and planning out missions and such. One of his biggest projects he had been keeping secret from both Tommy and Ranboo. At least, that was until today. It was monday morning, around 8 AM to be exact. That morning Tubbo had been awake quite early, he had gone into the trio's quote un-quote- secret liar. He had woken up at around 4 and got to working on his big project until the time came. He then went back to the trio's shared apartment. He had made it back at around 7:30 A.M. He walked into the bedroom in which the enderman and blonde boy were sleeping in, and waited, watching as the time went by.

Usually, Ranboo would wake up at around 11:30 and Tommy would wake up at around 1 PM. Today, Tubbo was to make sure that didn't happen. The ram hybrid watched with intensity as the clock struck 8 A.M. The moment that happened he turned on the lights and opened the curtains. "RISE AND SHINE SONS OF BITCHES!" He yelled as he clapped his hands to wake the other two up, going over and shaking them awake.

Tommy groaned as he pulled a pillow over his head. "Fuck offfffff- Tubbbooooo-" The blonde groaned as he did his best to block out Tubbo's voice.

Ranboo had sat up as the ram hybrid had began to shake him- a yawn escaping the tired enderman. "huh....wha...?" he slurred as he looked over at the clock. He reached a hand up to rub his eyes. "It's too early, Tubbo." He mumbled before flopping back down to go to sleep.

"Wake the fuck up! I have a cool plan for today! Remember the thing I said I was working on on the side? Guess who just finished ittttt!" Tubbo exclaimed, speaking in a sing song kinda way as he swayed back and forth.

It took a few minutes, but Tubbo eventually managed to get both of his roommates out of bed and into the kitchen. He gave them both a cup of coffee- well- mostly diluted coffee for Tommy since caffeine makes the blonde, quite literally, jump off the walls.

They all sat at the dining table, Tommy ate his overly sweet cereal- Ranboo ate whatever abomination that was in his bowl- while Tubbo ate some toast and beans.

"So...you're not gonna tell us what exactly we'll be doing?" Tommy asked, raising an eyebrow at Tubbo.

"Yeah, but also no." Tubbo replied around a mouth-full, swallowing the food in his mouth before he spoke up again. "All you need to know is where you'll be and what you're gonna do." He said, sliding a sheet of paper into the middle of the table. It had doodles and words written all over it- a layout of a place and arrows signaling things. Tubbo paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath before he began to explain the plan.

"So, we'll be going to ***** south west. It'll be inside some abandoned whare-house. I'll be inside, Ranboo, you'll be with me- and Toms, you'll be here." He said as he pointed to a hallway not too far from the entrance. "When I give the signal- if I can, we all gather up together- and Tom, if you see anyone or anything, come inside where me and Ranboo are, and tell us. Alright?" He paused for a moment as he looked up at his roommates to see if they understood.

Tommy and Ranboo seemed to understand, giving soft nods and 'mhm's in response to show they understood.

Tubbo nodded and went back to explaining. "So, Boo. I'll need you to teleport us exactly tooooooo-" The brunette dragged out as he pointed to a spot on the map. "Exactly here." He said, saying the exact coordinates to the place. "You think you can do that?" The ram asked, looking up at Ranboo.

The enderman gave a nod in response. "Yeah, I can." Ranboo said with a small smile.

Tubbo clapped his hands together with a grin. "Perfect!" He exclaimed. "Any questions?"

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