An Inner Adventure

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An Inner Adventure

Looking up to the sky I see the twinkling stars

They wink and the wind whistles for me to go far

I look up the path

Trees waving, Grass with nightly wolves grazing

Peering to the side

Small waters lay

I walk over and gaze around

Fireflies light up reflecting in the pond

As stars in the sky they copy

My breath is lost as I see by a rock

The white wolf stands

Eyes piercing the dark

My wonder arises when he does not move

I step closer

Intrigued by its fur glistening with dew

Oh wolf will you strike?

No, not tonight

My hand reaches out

Touches of soft white

He kneels down willingly surrendering his might

“Tonight I brought for thy will in mine heart?”

Not a word was heard

Only the nightly sounds

Eyes locking I hear in my mind

“Thy destiny is yours if only thine wishes to try”

I ask him “Dear white wolf of the night what are you?”

Disappearing into the air

I am left with nothing there

Looking around once more I peer into the pond

“I am you”

Written By Melody Wilson ©2011

Authors Note: I wrote this poem after I was meditating one night. This poem paints a picture of what I saw. 

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