Good VS Evil

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Good Vs Evil

Darkness upon a shadow

Lurking within the unseen eye

From the fires of hell

The demons of night

Satan rises from the blood curdled dirt

He's ready to do his work

The innocent may die

Children cry

Adults fall to their knees

Staring up to the sky and praying

Suddenly the clouds part

Out from the enchanting sky

Comes God spreading his ever lasting light

He assends to satan

Staring into his eyes

Power adding up within his might

It explodes and pushes satan back down

Along with all his followers

Straight through the now clean and flower filled ground

Chambered within their own hell

The children smile

Adults cry happy tears

While God rises up he says with a powerful voice

"It will now be alright.

Remember the devils domain can't touch

Those who remain in the light!"

As God disapears into the blue sky

The sun comes out and warms all the crowds.

Written By: Melody Wilson©2003

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