Friendship Lost At Sea

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Friendship Lost At Sea

We have shared times that were good and bad. 

The lessons we learned taught us so much. 

Growing up side by side is a priceless treasure.

Our hearts shared one friendship, 

But those were adolescent times with child like minds. 

Age was one thing we never thought about, 

But its caught up with us now. 

Decisions of adulthood had to be made, 

And we took the paths that were laid out in front of us. 

Still the roads of our lives crossed and were so wide we could walk together. 

Now they narrow and cuts have to be made. 

As we change, as everyone does, distance separate the fibers of our friendship. 

Its now sliced at the seams.

The close friendship we shared is lost at sea. 

The time has come to go forth in different ways. 

My friend I ask you this... 

Remember the good times and the laughs we shared. 

Perhaps one day our paths will once cross again. 

Until then I say goodbye, not to our friendship... 

But to our old lives. 

Written By Melody Wilson ©08/05/2012

(Dedicated to lost friendships)

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