Chapter Three: Brutal Breakdown

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I flew over to Gohan and Piccolo ahead of the others in case anything bad happens as we don't know how the Saiyans will fight. Will they take on all of us at once, or will they fight unevenly?

"Gohan!" I shout down to my brother as I land. I don't need to worry about concealing my ki as, apparently, my ki can't be felt.

"Rose?" Piccolo asks as I land.

"I trained under Kami with the others to help against the Saiyans," I explain, "How was your training?"

"It was really difficult! But Mister Piccolo helped me get stronger, too," Gohan describes. Krillin flies down and joins us, as does Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu.

"Oh hey, Rose is here too!" Yamcha remarks.

"Hey Yamcha! I left earlier in case Piccolo and Gohan needed any backup,"

"If you're backup I almost feel sorry for you all," Comes a rough voice from behind me. The Saiyans are here; even one of them alone exceed anyone of us in strength. I don't think we can win, but I'm not going to take a loss sat down. They land a few metres across from us.

"Here already? Rrgh... Ready yourselves!" Piccolo orders.

"Hmm... Hey, Nappa. I've got an idea for a game," The shorter one smirks. His partner turns to him, dumbfounded, "You still have the Saibamen seeds?"

"Oh, yeah! Of course!" He digs out a small bottle-like container, and looks it with inhumane curiosity, "What do you want these for?"

"Think about it, there should be seven remaining, right? That leaves one each for them," The larger saiyan throws out the seven seeds with a twisted smirk to his face. From out of the small holes grows these green ugly, slimy abominations.

"Who'll play first? Doesn't matter after all, there's seven of both of you,"

"I'll go first," Tien offers, stepping forward.

"You there, fight him," The shorter Saiyan orders one of the green creatures before us. Tien fights it evenly for a while, before he puts more effort in and beats it back. They both land on the ground, ready to continue, but suddenly the green thing explodes, "Take that as an example. If any of you hold back I will do the same." The saiyan continues, to the shock of the others. I'm not sure I can beat him. I don't feel so confident in myself anymore.

"Watch this!" Yamcha shouts excitedly before jumping into the fray against another slimy green opponent. Once again, they seem equal. Neither has the advantage until the Saibaman disappears. Yamcha looks around for a moment, before declaring, "I-I won!" The shorter Saiyan smirks as the Saibaman reappears and clings onto Yamcha. Without warning the obscene creature explodes, suicidally taking Yamcha with him. Training with Kami wasn't like this. This is the real thing. A genuine life-or-death battlefield. But I feel like it's only going to be the latter.

"Hey, get over it little man, we'll all die in the end," The taller, bald Saiyan says as Krillin grieves over Yamcha's remains. Just as soon as that, he is no longer on this side of life.

"Hush, Nappa. Let them get the trash off the battlefield first," The other Saiyan says. 

Suddenly, he turns to us with an anger fuelled expression, "Stay clear!" He shouts before turning the the Saiyans and the Saibamen. He moves his arms in a calculated manner before raising them above his head. An ominous yellow glow surrounds them, with lightning sparking between the balls of energy.

"His energy feels serious. Gohan, let's get back," I hear Piccolo advise from beside me. I decide to follow suit in moving away, albeit in a different direction to the others; if we stay close it's easier for the Saiyans to deal with us in one fell swoop.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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