Chapter One: The Storm Coming

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Gohan is stuck in a tree, somehow, I don't know how he got up there. That seems to be his magic power, getting in places he shouldn't physically be able to. Fortunately, Daddy is here now.
"Gohan? How'd you get in that tree buddy?" He asks Gohan, who's still a bit shell shocked.

"I-I saw a b-bird, he flew, then there was a river, a-and t-then I was up h-here!" He stutters out, recalling what happened.

"Well..." Daddy says, looking around for the bird that Gohan mentioned, "I don't see any birds here. Oh well, let's go back home, I bet your mother is worried about you two."

A few hours later and we had arrived at some kind of island, but the only thing here is a small house. Daddy hops off the nimbus and lands on the sand, and puts me down while Gohan is on his shoulders.

"Hey! Anyone home?"

A hermit walks out of the door, "Hello Goku," He bows his head in respect, and Daddy lowers his head slightly in response. They seem to know each other. A small man steps out, his bold head shining softly in the bright sunlight.

"Hey, Goku's here!" He calls out, seemingly to nobody. A blue haired woman steps out of the house, and waves at Daddy. I sit, albeit more rather fall over, on the sand next to Daddy.

"Hey Goku. Didn't know you was a babysitter," She says, nodding towards me and Gohan. Daddy takes Gohan off his shoulders and onto the floor. Gohan immediately moves behind Daddy's leg, holding onto it.

"Oh I'm not babysitting. These are my children, Gohan and Rose. Say hi!" Daddy says. He trusts them, so I don't see why we shouldn't.

"Hello," Gohan says, bowing respectfully.

"Hi," I say, close to a whisper. Following Gohan's example, I bow my head slightly. There were a few 'aw's from the adults, who then talked about something I couldn't hear. I stayed sat on the floor whilst Gohan played rock paper scissors with a crab, and lost. Suddenly, Daddy turns his head to the sky, looking at what seems to be nothing. I turn my head towards the sky, in the general direction Daddy is looking.

"Whoever is up there, they have a very evil power," Daddy says, "It doesn't feel like Piccolo's power, and I don't see why he'd be coming here." I move away from where I was sat, and move to near the house. The power in the sky had landed. He is a tall stranger, with long hair and a tail wrapped around his waist. His battle armour adorned a black and brown colour scheme, however he has a red band around his left arm and leg. They start talking, but wasn't paying enough attention to what they are saying to hear them.

"If he is one of these 'Saiyans' then how did he get here?" The bald headed man decides to chime in.

"It's simple; we sent him here to clear this planet of its inhabitants, a mission he has failed miserably," He's still talking, but I can't hear what he's saying. When he stops, he clearly notices mine and Gohan's tails. He walks about the beach; he's clearly up to something. If he tries to grab me, I can resist him, but for how long; I'm not sure.

"I see the fire in your eyes, Brother. You should come with us. It's in your blood; you love to fight." He says, walking towards Daddy. "Now..." Daddy tries shielding me and Gohan from him, but the stranger throws a flying knee into Daddy's chest which knocks him onto the beach, leaving him hard for breath.

"Daddy!" Gohan shouts, running toward Daddy. If I don't stop him, the stranger will grab him, so I'm going to have to try and grab him.

"Gohan!" Bulma, the blue haired woman, shouts. I'm not sure if that's her name, but I saw a label with that name on her lab coat so I'm guessing it is. As I run into arms reach of Gohan I can feel my legs lift off the ground; the stranger had grabbed my gi. He also is holding Gohan, who starts crying.

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