Chapter Two: Preparations for the Unknown

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Apparently, those other two Saiyans heard about the Dragon Balls and their powers and want to use them. They've set a course for Earth and are going to be here in about a month. Krillin came to visit me and Mommy to check up on her as Daddy passed away. I want to train to help out against the Saiyans.

"I-I'm going to train with the others,"


"I-I know, Mommy. But I want to help Gohan and D-Daddy,"

She sighs, "You are just like your father. Alright then, but I want you to promise me that you'll go to school properly after all of this is done,"

"Sure, M-Mommy. I'll go to school after all of this, I promise," She calmly kneels down, and hugs me. I hug her as well, before climbing onto Krillin's back, "I l-love you, Mommy!"

"I love you too, Rosie!" She shouts back. Krillin waves goodbye, and flies off. When home is about a mile back, he speaks up.

"Hey, Rose?" He turns his head around, "How come you can't fly yet?"

"W-well, Mommy wants me and Gohan to be stuff like scholars, so she won't let Daddy teach me any of the cool stuff," He chuckles a little bit.

"You must be so bored at home, eh?"

"Terribly," He chuckles again, "You have no idea. S-Seriously, how is knowing about multiplication tables going to help me with preschool work?"

"Your mother really gave you that level of work?"

"Yeah, and gave G-Gohan negative numbers," He laughs a little bit. The hills and deserts fade into a lush grassland.

"Looks like we're here," A large structure towers over the fields. Krillin flies up and lands on the top.

"You're back, Krillin," A green elderly man says. Krillin puts me down, "I see you brought Rose with you."

"Hello Kami. She wants to train to help against the Saiyans," Kami looks to me and smiles.

"Don't worry, Rose. You'll be strong enough to take on the Saiyans," Kami looks to Krillin, "I wish for you to fight with her."

"I'll try to not get my ass kicked by a child," He chuckles, before dropping into a fighting stance. I mimick the stance Daddy took against Raditz. Krillin flies at me, and I narrowly dodge his kick. I grab his leg and throw him up, and attempt to jump up to him. He catches himself, and delivers a punch to my guarding arm. We throw punches towards each other for a moment, clashing equally, although I can tell I'm weaker than him. 

"I see. Let's call it there," Kami declares. The two of us stop, and turn to him.

"Well done for holding on there, Rose," Krillin congratulates me, but I feel like I'm slipping where I shouldn't.

"Krillin, I feel like you need to work on your defence, while Rose, you need to refine your movements," Kami explains. 

"I'll train with Tien and Yamcha on the defensive side of things then," Krillin responds, to which Kami nods.

"W-What could I do then?" I ask the elder.

"Hmm... For now, observe the others. Watching you leads me to believe you absorb knowledge quickly and I wish to test the theory," Kami answers, and points me towards where Krillin went.

"Okay then, Kami. Thank you!" I say before heading over to Krillin and the others. 

"Oh, hey Rose," Krillin greets me. Us two being similar heights makes talking to him feel less imposing.

"Hi K-Krillin. Kami wanted me to watch your training," Krillin smiles to this, but then realises that the other two are complete strangers to me.

"Oh, by the way, this is Yamcha and Tien," He points out the two much taller men behind himself. Tien is taller than Yamcha, and has a third eye on his forehead, while Yamcha has scruffy hair flying everywhere, "Yamcha and Tien, this is Rose. She's one of Goku's twins."

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