Sana's POV~ 

Just a few days ago, Ji-Won, Jung Woo and Cha-Sung found out Jungkook was ill. Ji-Won and Jung Woo are twins, so they're both 6. Cha-Sung is only 5... I don't want her to grow without a father to spend time with her and care for her. 

I knocked on our room door. 

" Come *cough* i-in... "

I opened the door and saw him. laying on the bed, eyes barely open, skin pale as snow. My heart wants to break into 999 nontillion pieces. 

" Jungkook... " 

" S-Sana... what are you *cough* doing h-here..? "

" Lunch is ready... " 

I have to feed him since he's too weak. But then I got a call from the doctor. 

" Yeoboseyo? " 

" Mrs Jeon about this morning's test... " 

" How is he? He's ok right? He's totally fine? "

" Uh... I'm sorry to say but Mr Jeon only has an hour left to live starting.... now. " 

No. No. He can't be dying. No. I refuse to let this happen. What would happen to my family. To his family. To everyone. H-He can't d-die... 

" W-What did the doctor s-say? " 

" You... hour... live... die... " 

No no to blurry. 

" Youhaveanhourlefttolive. "

" I.. I have an h-hour left to l-live? " 

"Ne... " 

I started crying. My husband, my children's father, the only one that truly loves me is gone. Going to be. HOW WILL ANY OF MY CHILDREN GROW UP WITHOUT A FATHER? Who's gonna take over the Jungkook's company? Who's gonna take care of the kids? I mean the maids can but Jung-Woo and Cha-Sung are little devils. Only Jungkook can tame them. My life is going to take a huge turn. 

We spent the last hour crying and talking about things. Time flew by and then 5 minute left...

" Sana... don't c-cry... " 

" How could I stop when you're dying?... " 

" Jagi what have I told you before? "

" What? " 

" Even if I'm dead, nothing can change how much I love you. I'll be watching you ok? " 

That made me cry even more. I wish I could switch lives with Jungkook. Out of all people he had to die??? Why wasn't it me?

" Remember... I love you... " 

I held his hand the whole and with his last breathe, he let go of my hand and closed his eyes. He's dead. He's actually gone. Why. Anna was right... good people die first. 

" Mrs Jeon t- OH MY GOSH!!! " 

" Mr Jeon isn't... he's not? "

" He's not right Mrs Jeon? " 

" HE's g-g-gone.... " 

And just like that, my husband. Died. 

2 hours later~ 

What am I going to tell the kids? Like 'Hey kids? Sorry to say but your appa died!' or 'Your appa died.' 

" Eomma!!! " 


" hey kids. " 

" Eomma you looked like you were crying. Is something wrong? " 

" W-Well uh.... Follow me. " 

The kids came with me to the room and I opened the door. 

" Is appa sleeping? " 

" His eyes are closed! Maybe he's sleeping. He looked tired. "

" No he's sick. But why are his eye's closed. " 

Cha-Sung touched Jungkook's hand and felt how cold it was. 

" Why is appa's hand so... cold? " 

" Why eomma? " 

" Kids.... Your father... h-he's..... " 

" Appa's what? " 

" You go ask your uncle Jimin. " 

" OK!!! " 

I don't want to let them know he's dead or I'll cry my eyes out for the rest of my life. My tears could've flooded Korea. 

Jimin's POV~ 

We got a call from Sana and she said.... Jungkook died. Yes. My best friend is gone forever. Me and Shu Hua cried forever before coming here. I opened the door and the children stood in front of me. 

" Uncle Jimin!!! why is appa's hand so cold? " 

Do they not know he passed away? 

" Uh well.... your father.... " 

" He passed away an hour ago. " 

" What's.... passed away???? " 

After awkward moment, the kids finally realized that Jungkook died. I can't imagine the chaos without Jungkook around. Here is the list I wrote in my head. 

1. Cha-Sung and Jung-Woo would be out of control 
2. Sana would have to take over the company, do house chores, put the kids to bed and so many more. 
3. The lil bratty piece of trash would freak out. 
4. The world is ending. 
5. Sana might end up is the hospital. 

I think that's all. 

Cha-Sung cried for what seemed like 20 centuries. While Ji-Won just sat there looking down. As for Jung-Woo.... face-planted in the garden. 

No One's POV~

That night, everybody went to sleep, some eyes red, some cheeks wet, some still crying (Like Jung-Woo in the garden). No one could except him dead. A few weeks later, there was the funeral. Of course, Jungkook's parents didn't attend. 

But none of them didn't need to worry about Jungkook at all... 

From this to that || Jungkook x Sana (A short story) ✅Where stories live. Discover now