
" I'm sorry. " 

I looked at the floor and the next thing I knew, everyone was hugging me, without saying anything. OK. But the children held back. Everyone let go and looked at them. 

" Jiwon, Jungwoo, Cha-sung, I'm sorry. Especially to you three. I failed as a husband, and a father. I understand if you don't want to forgive me. " 

" Aren't you suppose to be dead? " 

" I have no idea how I'm still standing here. I just woke up, and there was no one around me. " 

Cha-sung had buried her face in her clothes, I strongly suspect she is crying. 

" I need to see. THE DOCTOR. THAT TOOK CARE OF YOU. " 

" Sana I think it was Doctor Kim Hyun-Jae. " 

Sana turned to a nearby nurse with a polite face but I could tell she was burning inside. 

" Hi may I see Doctor Kim Hyun-Jae? It's really urgent. " 

" Right away miss. " 

The nurse ran off while Sana turned back to us, fist clenched, ready to punch him in the face 20 times. Maybe more. You know my wife is scary when she's MAD. Or upset. 

" Hi you wanted to- " 

As soon as he spotted me his face turned whiter than Snow White, completely ignored my existence, turned back to Sana. 

" H-Hi Mrs Jeon you want to see me? " 


" I... " 


" I'm sorry Mrs Jeon, but Mr Jeon just passed away. " 

I heard crying noises, I was sent to the hospital as soon as I fainted. Did I faint? Wasn't I dead? But how? I can hear the doctor and Sana. 

" Jungkook! " 

I turned around and saw. My dead grandmother. The only one that has ever loved me since the day I was born. The only thing was how am I seeing her when she died when I was 7. 

" It's not your time yet honey. You have a wife, children, friends. You have a family. Wake up. " 

A few moments later, I woke up, but there wasn't anyone in the room. Then a nurse came in. 

" Oh my god. DOCTOR KIM! HE'S ALIVE!! " 

" Who's alive? " 

" Jeon Jungkook. THE CEO. " 

" WHAT?! BUT HE DIED!!! " 

A male doctor came rushing in the room and checked me all over. 

" Well looks pretty alive to me. But he died. Heart stopped beating and everything. HOW. " 

" Sir I really don't know, I just came in and found him breathing and eyes opened. " 

" DO you remember anything? About your life. " 

" Uh... I have a wife and 3 children. Jiwon, JungWoo, and Cha-sung. Then my best friends are Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi. And some are married. My children are still very young and I own a company? " 

The doctor pinched my hand. HARD. 

" OW! " 

" Oh wow he's alive. With his memory too. Your name is Jeon Jungkook? " 

" Yeah. " 

Both the nurse and doctor stared at me with a what-should-we-do-with-him face. Then the doctor sighed and looked at me. 

" Listen, you can't just walk up to your wife family friends just like that, they think you're dead. So... From now on, your name is Kim Kyung-Woo, you aren't a CEO, you don't have a family. If they find out you're alive and all, they'll freak. Might even faint on the spot, since you have a lot of dramatic friends. " 

" OK... " 

End of flashback~

" Sana... I know why. " 

She was about to punch him so I had to stop her. She could've sent him to hell. All attention turned towards me and I explained everything, the doctor was terrified because Sana was holding his collar. Everything was settled then, everybody went home, and once in a lifetime, Sana let them skip the rest of the school day and we went home. Well I don't know if it still counts as home if I wasn't there for like almost a decade. When they were about to enter, I walked away. 

" Where are you going? " 

" Someplace else. I haven't been in there for so long, I don't think it counts as my house anymore. " 

That was when I was dragged into the house by the collar of my shirt by who? Sana. 

" Wait! Sana let go. " 

" No. " 

In the end I was dragged into the house. 

" Do we still count as married if I left for like 8 years. " 

" YEAH. Because we didn't divorce. " 

" Then you still love me? "

" We talk about that later. " 

Yeah ok she probably hates me for disappearing for 8 years and coming back 8 years later and since I'm the cause of Cha-Sung and Jungwoo's behavior yes she hates me. 

" SIT. " 

I sat down on the couch and she did too. 

" You're taking your company back, the house is still yours, you're still my husband, you're still Ji-won, Jungwoo and Cha-Sung's father and YOU'RE LIVING HERE. THAT'S FINAL. " 

" Okay... honey. " 

She glared at me while blushing. YOU SEE SHE LOVES ME. She's my wife for a reason.

" Tomorrow, you will RETURN to the OFFICE. " 

" Yes ma'am. " 


longest chapter yet I think :)

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