First Meeting

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(Y/n) walked into the cockpit of the Moldy Crow, flexing his fingers, testing the limits of the new black leather gloves, he moved his arms about, testing the extent of which the new long dark grey-brown leather duster allowed his movements. He was pleased to find that the coat and gloves did not limit his movements in the slightest. Through the transparisteel viewport (Y/n) could see the brilliant pulsating blue-white lights of hyperspace, that flashed against his yellow-green eyes.

"So, how are you liking the new outfit, kid?" asked Kane, turning in the pilot's seat to look at the sandy-haired boy.

"It's good," said (Y/n) tapping the bronze coloured durasteel-phrik alloy plated black vest he wore under the coat, "The armour is a little heavier than I'm used to, but overall, it still leaves me with a full range of mobility."

He had long ago lost the robes, having outgrown them quite quickly, Kane had arranged different outfits, many of which were designed much like his own, but (Y/n) had finally settled on his of outfit. Along with the armoured vest, (Y/n) wore a pair of long loose-fitting black synthetic leather trousers, knee high black boots fitted with durasteel-phrik alloy toecaps, heel and ankle supports and black durasteel-phrik alloy greaves that stretched up to his knees. Around his waist, he wore a red sash, over which he wore a brown leather belt, fitted with pouches and fasteners. His lightsaber hung from the belt, separated into two part, the lower section, fitted with long black grips hung on his left hip, while the upper half, which ended with the emitter and the plain emitter shroud was hung from the back of his belt, concealed beneath his coat. A dark brown holster was strapped to his right thigh, fixed to the belt. Housed within the holster was his personal blaster, the RAWK CHOPPED SPECIAL, a double-barrelled blaster carbine. He had changed his hair as well, letting it grow down to his neck, which he then tied back into a ponytail. He did, however, keep the braided lock from his time at the temple, but he had tucked it away, concealed beneath the rest of his hair, held back by the ponytail.

"You know that blaster carbine cost us a lot of credits," said Kane.

"Yes, I know, but we all have to make sacrifices in the name of the right weapon," he said, gesturing at the zabrak's holstered blaster pistol. He had replaced his old blaster with an illegal DL-44 blaster pistol, a vastly superior weapon, which packed a nasty punch. It had only cost them a crate of spice, the black-market dealer insisted on the drug as payment, and would not sell the blaster for anything else. Which resulted in a trip to Kessel.

"And remember, it's not like I can pull out a lightsaber whenever we get into trouble, or else the Empire's inquisitors will be on our trail in seconds," said (Y/n) gesture first at the exposed half of the lightsaber, then tugged at his coat, turning to expose the other half, before letting the coat drop. As he moved, his sleeves shifted, revealing a pair of black durasteel-phrik alloy vambraces clasped around his gloves, covering the lower half of his forearms.

"You say that, but don't tell me you haven't been using your little jedi tricks," snorted Kane, "Remember when those slavers had us cornered. I was all for blasting our way out of there, but instead, you just walked over to them and waved your hands, saying 'You have now quarrel with us, go get yourselves some drinks.' And they just walked off." Kane mimicked the gesture with his hands, making (Y/n) roll his eyes. He raised one hand, bending his ring finger and pinkie finger at the second knuckle, before sweeping his hand to the side.

"You have no idea what you are talking about," he said.

"Hey, don't you dare!" snapped Kane. (Y/n)'s stoic expression cracked, split with a broad, wolfish grin.

"I would never," said the sixteen-year-old, in an offended voice, "And besides, we got lucky, I'm still not all that good at using jedi mind tricks, there was a pretty high chance that it might not have worked, or only worked on one of the slavers." Kane rolled his eyes, before turning back to the controls. (Y/n) stepped over, sitting down in the co-pilot seat, he pulled up the navigation charts.

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