Chapter 7

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Authors notes: Hi guys, I'm reallllllllllllly sorry that I haven't updated in forever, though I guess that's what happens when Christmas is almost here. I hope that this chapter as always has next level drama. I will try to update every day until the 25th, CHRISTMAS!!!

Chapter 7

Edaline's POV

Edaline stared at the imparter in her hand, a call from Elwin was never good, but this... She went to Grady's office, where he was translating runes on some scrolls.

"Grady" Grady jumped in shock before going over to Edaline

"Elwin called" She said

"What did Sophie do this time...?"

Edaline had hardly ever heard Grady scream quite as loud. Sophie sat on her bed in the health centre at foxfire. She was silently crying while Grady showed his anger and disappointment. When he finished, he was breathing heavily, and his face was red.

"We are going home Sophie" he shouted.

Edaline helped Sophie out of the healing centre as she could barely walk. On the way-out Tam got a punch square in the nose. The three of the light leaped away and Sophie looked slightly faded when they got to Havenfield, though Grady sent her straight up to her bedroom.

Edaline conjured some medicine (One being Elwin's trusty fade fuel) and food to Sophie's room before making her way to the couch. She stared at her hands in her lap when Grady sat on the couch across from her. Edaline could feel sadness which was probably from Sophie not being able to control her inflicting. She looked up at Grady.

"What are we going to do" she cried in despair. The crease in his brow became even more prominent and in a way he almost looked old.

Oralie's POV

Grady had just hailed her that she was needed. She waited at the door to Havenfield trying to stall so as not to see Sophie going to school. Just then she heard a screaming match erupt

"I DON'T CARE" (Sophie)


"MY FAULT" (Sophie)


"I HATE YOU" (Sophie)



Oralie heard Edaline interrupt. Then the door opened, banging right into Oralie's face. Oralie gripped her nose where the door had hit

"I'm really..."

Then Sophie ran away before finishing her sentence.

"Oralie" Grady's voice interupted her thoughts.

"Maybe this isn't a good time, do you want me to come back" Asked Oralie.

Grady still invited her in, and she waited on the opposite couch for Edaline to check on the gorgodon, alicorn situation. She was very on edge; Sophie was definitely pregnant. Edaline walked into the room breaking her train of thought. Once Edaline had taken a seat next to Grady, mumbled something about how stubborn Wihn and Luna where, and snapped her fingers so that some mellowmelt appeared in front of them.

Grady broke the very awkward silence "We need you to read Sophie's emotions for us!"

"I'm sorry but I'm confused" Oralie countered "Why?"

"That's strictly confidential" Grady stated, his tone slightly more aggressive

"She probably heard you two scream-"

"I already know" Oralie cut Edaline off mid-sentence. Both her and Grady stared at Oralie as if she was becoming a murcat. "I bumped into her at Atlantis, she dropped the pregnancy test, and when I tried to hail her she wouldn't respond.

A floorboard then creaked. The three of them turned around to see 11 members off the council there.

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