Chapter 13

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Authors notes- Hi, sorry for another short chapter and that's really all I got. Cya soon and good luck to everyone starting the new school year.

Chapter 13

Edaline's POV

She heard thunder and then,

"Mum, Dad!!" (I am Australian, so I say mum not mom) Edaline heard Sophie scream.

She ran out very confused but panicked, before she heard Sophie scream, she was about to go to the healing center after Elwin had hailed her. As Edaline sprinted to Sophie she could hear Grady panting behind her. She stopped when she got to Sophie, who was... smiling.

"I felt the baby" Sophie laughed

And the three of them hugged it out (Grady wasn't feeling as mad anymore).

Stina's POV

She stood in the doorway of the healing center as Sophie screamed at everyone, it was not a pretty sight, such a shame she thought. Then she heard Fitz and she was sure he was gonna say pregnant. Soon Sophie stormed out and a huge argument broke out between the boys while Linh tried to break up the fight the boys had started. Biana was vomiting in the corner. And Magnate Leto had his arms crossed and was tapping his foot on the ground impatiently. Stina could feel the emotions radiating around the room without even having to touch anyone. Fitz turned and saw her standing stiffly in the doorway.

"hey babe", the fighting stopped

"Um, hi" Stina replied uncertainly "Is Sophie pregnant!" she blurted out before she could stop herself.

"I, um, I guess you could say in a way, she could sorta, I guess, I mean...yeah" Fitz responded and looked at the ground .

"oh" was all Stina could say.

"I'm going to check on Foster" Keefe breaks the very awkward silence.

"I'll come with you" Tam stands up

"You are his boyfriend" Keefe's ice blue eyes are deep and full of meaning Stina thinks. This was all so crazy.

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