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Lisa's POV.

"Honey, can you prepare the guest rooms there for me?" dad said on the phone

"Sure dad, though... do we have a visitor?? Who is it??" I asked as I do my homework after writing all the lectures I've missed earlier since I didn't attend class earlier for waiting at the court

"Just prepare it for me dear... I'm not sure if they're coming but we need to be prepared" dad said as I hummed in response, continuing my homework

"Anyways... how are you there sweety?? Have you behaved?? You're not breaking your promise are you?" dad asked making me gulp before I answered him

"Of course not dad!! Don't worry, I'm fine here... my friends are all taking good care of me" I said, trying to not be obvious that I'm lying

"Ok!! That's good to hear. You know that I just don't want you to get hurt right??" he said making me smile as I hummed in response

"Anyways... speaking of your friends... I had a talk with one of them... did he tell you already??" dad asked as I frown, looking so curious as I answered him

"Nope!! No one is telling me yet, who is it??" I asked as he answered

"It's Kai" dad answered making ma realize why, as I made an 'ahh' look, hanging my mouth open

"Oh!! He's not here yet dad... I don't know when he'll be back but he told me this week" I said as I continue my homework again

"Oh... ok, just tell me when he already told you about what Itold him, ok? So I know when I can do it already" dad said as I hummed in response again even with the curiousity

"Anyways... I have to go now, I still have workto do... bye sweety" dad said sweetly as we bid goodbyes at each other

"K, bye dad" I said and made a 'mwah' sound before hanging up and focusing on my homework again


Jennie's POV.

"Hey guys!! I heard we have new transfers again!!" Nayeon said, sitting as we chit-chat while there wasn't a teacher yet

"Yeah!! Me too!! I heard there were three of them and all of them are also children of the top ten richest man in Asia" Irene said excitedly as I sighed

"Whatever... they're not even that interesting" I said as I rolled my eyes, I mean... we're also one of them... so what's there to be excited at seeing some people that's just like you??

"Aigoo... Jennie, you know we haven't seen all of the top ten yet right?? You're such a kill joy" Nayeon said as they both pout making me roll my eyes again when the professor suddenly came in so we sat on our seats properly

"Good morning everyone!! Before we start our discussion, I want to introduce your new classmates first... make sure to be good to them. They just got transferred today but some of you may already know them... Please come in!!" the professor said as three students came in, two tall girls with one tall boy making me smile widely in realization of who he is

'OPPAAAA!!!' I thought as he smiled at me before they started introducing themselves to the noisy crowd, realizing who they were

"Hi everyone!!! My name is Roseanne Park or Park Chaeyoung, but you can all call me Rosé... Nice to meet you everyone!!" the tall blonde girl said with a sweet smile as she vowed making the crowd go wild before the other one introduced herself

"Hi everyone!!! It's so nice to meet you!! My name is Kang Seulgi, it's my first time here so I hope you take care of me" the other tall girl that has orange hair said as she smiled widely and gave a little wink at everyone making them wild even more before Oppa introduced himself

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