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Jennie's POV.

We were kissing, not minding the other students looking at us, when...



I woke up hearing the alarm wake me up from my beautiful slumber

"Aish!! What a fucking dream?? The hell!?? When did I like Kai oppa!?" I asked  myself getting up from my bed as I went to the bathroom

"And why the fucking hell am I dating that nerd again!!?? Ewww!!! Yuck!!! Fuck that dream!! It's like they want me dead in my sleep, aish!!!" I said cringing remembering my dream as I took a shower


I went down after taking a bath and went to the dining table as I sat and ate my breakfast

"Ma'am, Mr. Kim called me earlier to tell you that he's coming back this month" Nanny said as she vowed at me making me look at her

"What!!? Really!!?" I asked my maid shocked with the news

'Ugh!! He's going to set me up on blind dates again... Aish!!!' I thought while finishing my food before I stood up

"Did he say when, exactly??" I asked my maid as she nod her head and vowed

"Yes ma'am, he said by the end of the month and he'll be going back after a week" my maid said making me smile

"Oh!! Goodie then" I said and went out as she held my bag for me, going to the car as Mr. Wu opened the backdoor for me

"My lady" Mr. Wu said as he vowed while holding the open door for me, while nanny put the bag next to me

"Mr. Wu, don't fetch me later, just leave the car and commute your way back, got that?" I said coldly as he went inside the driver's seat and nodded

"As you wish, my lady" he said and started driving off

It was a quiet ride as always, so I got my phone and texted my friends...


- hey bitches!! wassup!!


hey gurl!! wassup!! -


yo gurl!! where r u guys?? -


- i'm on my way there, w8 for me


ok, hurry up btch!! ppali -


K, hurry up!! these btches keep looking at us -


btch!! they r glaring at us -


- fine!!!

"Mr. Wu!! Can you please hurry the fuck up!! We've been taking for ages now!! When are we even going to get there!!??" I said annoyed making him gulp in fear as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms looking out the window

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