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Jennie's POV.

Crying.... crying... crying...

That was all I could do right now, as one thing kept running in my mind repeatedly... 

'I am very DISAPPOINTED at you!!!!'

I was mentally and physically hurt today... Shit!! I hate you Lisa!!! It wasn't even supposed to be like this in the first place!! It changed... It all changed just because of YOU!!! I HATE YOU!!!! Ughhhh!!!! DIE!!!!!!!! F*CK YOU!!!!! 

"Hey... There, there Jen... It's ok, we're here with you, alright??" Irene said in the softest way possible as she tried to comfort me, rubbing my back while I cry my heart out as if I just lost a million dollars for nothing...

"Yeah... Stop crying Jen... I'm sure Kai just said that so you won't get in trouble... We all know that you might get in trouble if Lisa suddenly had the thought of telling the teachers or even the principal that you're bullying her, right? He's just thinking about your own good... Stop crying now, ok?? It's all good... There, there" Nayeon seconded the motion as they kept on comforting me until I finally calmed down....

Though they sometimes make me mad and have fun of me... I'm still thankful to have them as my bestfriends in times like this... They will always be there for you, even if you get embarrassed by the whole school or anything... They will be there to stand with you... And that's why I could proudly say that I love them so much...


Someone's POV.

I was happily walking my way to the airport as I whistle my favourite song, TALLY... one of BLACKPIKN's new released songs in their new album, BORN PINK... shessh!!! I'm so happy that I got to go to their concert, HAHAHA..... It was danggggg....GOOD!!!

'Oh shit, I might get late' I thought as I quickly run my way to the plane I was assigned to

'Seoul, Korea... Here I come!! Woooohhhh!!!!' I thought happily while I sat at my seat before taking my phone out and played something before the flight... 


Lisa's POV.

It was Monday again... the last two days, I ignored Kai and the others as I continue to lock myself in my room... I didn't mind getting hungry or feeling suffocated inside my room... All I know was that I was angry and I didn't want to talk to them, mostly Kai...

But sadly... I have school today so I have to go and try my best to ignore them while having to see them face to face... Unlike this Saturday and Sunday, I could ignore them without having to do  anything... Aigooo....

"Hey Lis!!! Uhm... are you still going to ignore us??" Rosé suddenly said, popping out of nowhere as she gave a sad expression that I ignored again...

'OK!! One down five to go... Whoo!! You can do this Lisa!! Hwaiting!!' I thought to myself as I started walking my way to my locker where the level would go harder a little

I opened my locker as soon as I got there... quickly ignoring the two who were obviously waiting for me the whole time

"Lis... Please stop ignoring us..." they both said as sad expressions just kept coming at me... sheeshh!! One by one guyzzz, I'm only one here, I can't take on all of you giving me those heart breaking expressions... Oh god...

I gulped and quickly took the stuff I needed before I closed my locker and started walking my way to my room... ignoring the three of them of continue to follow me

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