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Rosé's POV.

I got down from my room as I went to the dining table to be greeted by Lisa and Seulgi who just woke up

"Goodmorning!!" I greeted happily as I took a seat while the maids prepared food for me

"Morning" Lisa greeted back, rather boringly as she was busy playing with her phone

I looked at Seulgi's direction to see her pointing out something as she mouthed to me...

"She's still angry!!" she mouthed desperately making me frown in confusion

'She's angry?? About what??' I thought, asking myself before mouthing back to Seulgi and asking her my confusion...

"Why is she angry??" I asked trying not to be too obvious so Lisa wouldn't notice us

"What!!?" Seulgi almost shouted in a whisper getting shocked with my obvious question

"What?? Just tell me already!!" I mouthed again as I asked her desperately before I think of doing something that might cause my early death at this exact moment...

Seulgi sighed in disbelief while I continue to give her the 'What??? Tell me!!!! Ppali!!!' look, glancing a little at Lisa to make sure that she didn't notice us, and good thing she didn't as she was still busy playing with her phone

"Yesterday!! Did you already forget!? The picture!!!! Ughh!!!" Seulgi said in annoyance as she rolled her eyes and made an irritated look before looking back at me with her 'Remembered now???' bitchy, look

I didn't actually get it even when she said the 'yesterday' word, but as soon as she told me about the picture? Realization suddenly hit me hard as my whole body shivered with fear...

'Shit!' was the only thing that ran into my mind at that moment as I was seen frozen on my spot, not even getting the chance to notice my food in front of me making Seulgi sigh deeply while shaking her head in complete disbelief 

I can't blame her though, even I, myself am disappointed for forgetting such a thing that just happened YESTERDAY!! It was just fucking yesterday!!! Geez Chaeyoung!! I can't believe you forgot such an important thing with just one night of dreaming about being in food land!!! Aigoo...

I then started eating my food silently as the awkward air suddenly surfaced the whole area, that I didn't seem to notice that it was already there earlier.... Aishh!!!


On our way to school, the awkward silence didn't even thought of leaving us as Lisa only kept playing with her phone, she didn't even mind going with us to school today when she was supposed to go with a different, broken car...

Seulgi was minding her own business too so I felt a little out of place and bored, but still awkward... All I could do now was sigh as I look out of the window, waiting to arrive at school

'Can't this car get any faster!!?? Aigoo' I thought as helplessly sigh for the one hundredth time today... huhu


Lisa kept acting different as she continue to walk her way to our classroom silently, which made me and Seulgi feel worried 

Ever since that picture that was inside her bag got ripped yesterday, she became silent and started acting somehow, cold and distant... as if she has lost hope or the reason to smile anymore... and to be honest?? We wouldn't like that... No!!! Never!! We can't afford to go back to the old Lisa that we all knew, the Lisa that no one would ever dream of seeing... We want our loving, jolly and caring Lalisa... not the other one!!! NO!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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