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Lisa's POV.

It was now Friday and I asked Kai and my dad to wait until I tell them when I actually want to go on a mini vacation... we were supposed to go  later after class but since I didn't want to go yet, it's going to be delayed for now

Anyways... I am now here in the hallway, walking to my locker as I just got here in school... Chaeng and Seulgi didn't want to go with me saying that they were still lazy and they'll just come before the class actually starts, I didn't mind though... I already got used to going alone but I was sad since Jungkook, V, and Kai are still sleeping when I last checked, since they had a good drink last night for welcoming Kai oppa back... we're actually supposed to be having the welcoming party with them but the girls were tired and I didn't want to be late for school today... I mean, I can get late with a reason... but having nothing to do, the least I can do for my absence and late attendance will be these kinds of stuff...

I sighed as I finally reached my locker, it felt longer when you're alone, it felt like I was actually walking a long ass deserted road where it was only me and me myself... I don't know, I just feel lonely without my friends, I got used to them always with me and they knew something about me that made them make a promise to their own not to let me be alone whatever the circumstances... Though, truthfully saying... they made that promise but where are they now?? Aigoo... Those idiots...

If you actually look at it, they're breaking their promise now, but what can I do?? I literally understand them and I have no rights to whine since they've been there for me since the very beginning, and they keep on fulfilling their promise even until now, and this is the only thing I can do as a return to one of the everything that they actually did for me... so yeah

I opened my locker, ready to get my books when something suddenly fell from inside it... it was stinky and dirty... covering my clothes making me dirty and stinky as well... Looking at my locker with one thing in my mind

'Trash' I thought seeing my locker filled with it... my stuff getting soaked with dirt... my books... everything inside my locker is ruined... I sighed as I took out the trash inside it, putting it back to the trash bin while everyone is laughing at me making me sigh again when I heard someone talking as they pass by me

"Hahaha!!! Really Jen!?" I heard  Nayeon's voice as they laughed

"Hahah!! What is this?? Rather than trash talking it's trash giving??" I heard Irene second the motion as they laugh again

"Hahaha!! You know, I think I got confused a little... which one is the trash bin again??" and there... I was fine hearing everyone around me laugh at me, hearing Irene and Nayeon lowkey trash talking me... I mean like, literally TRASH talking alright??? 

But hearing her on her own, her voice that made me better before, that made me feel good, that made me happy in my sorrowful days... is breaking me now... She said it like she was having fun, like she was happy to see me like this, to see me embarrassed... Just hearing her say that one mere sentence, it was killing me a million times already... I felt my heart ache, like I was being stabbed multiple of times in the heart... it fucking hurts...

I felt tears in my eyes already, ready to flow down my cheeks as Jennie chuckled at her own joke with her friends... passing by me like I was nothing, or perhaps... I was just a stupid thing, like a trash bin for them... For HER.....

"What the fuck!!! Hey Lis!! What the hell are you doing!!??" I heard a very familiar voice making me turn to my back to see a blurry vision of a tall girl who went towards me and helped me stand up from the trash bin

"Wait!! Is that Jeongyeon!??" I heard Nayeon said as they look over to us making me wipe the tears in my eyes before looking at the girl that's helping me again

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