Can't Sleep Without You (Comfort/Fluff)

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This can be used for possible comfort

I've never had the experience of not being able to sleep, this is probably the first time I'm knowing what it's like. It's definitely not pleasant or fun, I feel cold and my head is pounding. It was weird to say, I need someone, luckily Kurama was over staying the night in the guest bedroom, thinking this feels like a frickin crime. The guest bedroom was thankfully close to my room so I wouldn't make much noise. Even when I was in the hallway the world outside was kind of alive, yes it was dark but cars and animals can still be heard. I stood in front of the door hesitating but I knew I wouldn't be able to drift off on my own so I slowly opened the door.

The room was dark but there were curtains open, giving the room a dim light. My eyes focused on Kurama, he was on his side asleep, he looked very peaceful, I didn't want to awake him so I climbed to the other side of the bed. He wasn't cuddling me but I still felt... warm, I thankfully drifted off soon after that.

The next morning

I slowly opened my eyes, my body felt warm but still, I tried moving but I couldn't. I regained my vision and saw Kurama's face right in front of me, his arms were wrapped around me. I blushed, I didn't expect him to cuddle me through out the night. I saw his eyes slowly open as well, he jumped but didn't seem that suprised.

"Are you ok?" He said in a sleepy voice.

"Um... yeah, I'm sorry if I bothered you."

"You didn't bother me, why did you come in here?"

"I-I couldn't sleep last night, my mind made me want to come in here, I couldn't sleep without you..."

He blushed, "That's ok. I honestly felt alone as well, I'm glad you feel ok now." I blushed back, He was so kind it gave me butterflies. We got up and got ready for the day.

"You know if I'm ever over here again and you can't sleep, you have my permission." He said.

"Really? T-Thank you."

He gave me a hug, "No need to thank me Y/n..."

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