
102 8 5

Date: April 14th 2019

"Just give it a try. Stop hiding from her." My friend Wonwoo pushed me forward. I was in the college library wanting to talk to Luna but I was hesitant because she was known for rejecting people with out caring about their feelings and I didn't want to get embarrassed in front of my friends. She was cold and I was known as the bad boy so it was going to be harder for me to attract her.

I groaned then walked towards her. She had a book opened in her hands reading. She was so focused in the book so I cleared my throat so she would notice my existence. She looked up at me then looked back at her book. I heard Wonwoo laugh from the end of the aisle. I rolled my eyes and felt like my ego was hurt so I made a move. I placed my hand on the shelf in front of her face and asked "How can someone be so beautiful and have the brains too?"

She shook her head and rolled her eyes then continued reading. "Well beautiful, how about I take you out on a date? Maybe I'll change your beautiful mind." I told her as I smirked. She looked up at me but with a cold facial expression then said "Let me spare your time and money I guess. How about no? I'm not interested."

"Oh come on a beautiful girl like you single? I can let this opportunity slip through my fingers." I said as I touched her cheek carelessly trying to put her under my spell. She smacked my hand away as she glared at me. "That sweet talk doesn't work on me so just save it and get out of my face." She said rudely and looked back at the book she was reading ignoring my existence.

I turned around and walked away. Wonwoo was looking at me and was laughing hysterically which made me mad. How dare she ignore me? I walked passed Wonwoo and he started to yell "Wait for me." Then he followed me out. I was going to get revenge over her but I didn't know how. I walked out and turned to the alley that was between the library and a building I didn't know. I pulled out my pack of cigarettes and my lighter. "So the almightiest man on earth couldn't get Luna to talk to him." Wonwoo was making fun of me and I was extremely mad so I exhaled in the cigarette and breathed out heavily with frustration.

"How about we make a deal?" He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest with a smirk plastered on his face. I threw the cigarette on the concrete once I was finished with it then stepped on it aggressively to put it out. "Let's hear it." I said with an unamused look on my face. "If you make her fall for you in just three months, you win but if you don't then I win and I'll tell everyone how she destroyed your pride with just one look." I raised my eyebrow in confusion and asked "Why would I agree to this dare when you know I don't care what people think about me?" "Just for fun and to get revenge I guess." He said as he shrugged. "Ok dare accepted." I said as I lit up another cigarette.

"What made you agree?" He asked as he leaned his back on the wall standing next to me. "Just because I'm bored." I answered then placed the cigarette in between my lips exhaling the nicotine in. I tried to be nice which was very unusual for me but I still tried and she declined the effort I did for her. Even though she was cold hearted I told myself I'd do whatever it took to melt the ice in her heart and make her fall for me.

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