The Tale of Amaranthia

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The Clareian Kingdom, the largest kingdom of the Amaranthia Empire and the main capital. Legend has it that the entire empire was created and blessed by the goddess of creation, Amaranthine, thus naming it after her. She blessed the entire empire with magical abilities that can help the citizens to their day-to-day basis.

Everything and everyone was doing great with their lives, until some people started becoming greedy, wanting to take more of the power that the goddess has given them. Because of their greed, a few people decided to create and build their own group and that group soon grew bigger, separating themselves from the others. The whole empire was soon divided into four nations that carried different agendas.

The nation where green and beautiful plants grow throughout their land, the Nation of Dew located at the southwest part of the empire. The Nation of Talares located at the northeast part of the empire, and a nation ruled by their tyrant king who claimed fire for themselves. The Nation of Moondelia northern part of the empire, where the moon glowed brightly. And the Nation of Annaritas located at the northwest part of the empire, where the sun watches them.

Eventually, a war broke out and every nation that was created by the people fought against one another, with the goal to rule at the very top of the empire. Amaranthine knew about it. She felt upset and deeply hurt that the people and empire she cherishes the most are now fighting one another. Out of grief, the goddess mourned and cried and unknowingly, a new land formed at the end of her trail of misery, along with it was a child clad in dark purple armor.

The child fought against the nations in the name of the goddess and won. As soon as the child removes the helmet of her armor, the goddess quickly realizes and recognizes her. She was the child born from the goddess' Agape. Her silver white hair representing the hatred and grief the goddess felt, her amethyst eyes that glowed like a jewel to represent the goddess' undying love for her people, and her dark purple armor to represent the goddess' desire to protect the entire empire.

The new land that formed where the goddess mourned soon prospered into a whole new nation, and it soon became the capital and the heart of the empire. The goddess bestowed the name 'Clareian Kingdom' after her child's name, Clara.

Before the goddess left the Earth, she gave the title of empress and only ruler to Clara, her child. She left a golden rule, one that should never be broken, "Only the children born with the first empress' blood can inherit the throne and rule this empire."

The goddess Amaranthine bestowed the first empress with great blessings that her future children will inherit, and a loyal and trusted companion that will fight alongside her, the guardian of the empire and the greatest sorcerer of Arcadia, Solaris the Phoenix.

And with that, the nations that were once fighting over to rule kneeled before the first empress. Until this day, the golden rule and peace remained unbroken.

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Currently, there are five nations under the Amaranthia Empire: The Clareian Kingdom (also referred to as the Capital), the Nation of Annaritas (where most of the relatives of the imperial family resides), the Nation of Moondelia, the Nation of Talares, and the Land of Dew. Each nation has their respective ruler, own culture, and a strong belief that makes them focus on their goals.

The main capital of Annaritas is called Schandavia. This is where the relatives of the imperial family reside. The main product produced in this nation is mostly made of gold. They have the largest mine of gold in the entire empire, the reason why everyone refers to them as; "the Nation where the sun watches them." The ruler of this nation is none other than the Grand Duke himself, Deus Clarion le Clair. He is the younger brother of the late emperor and the temporary emperor of Amaranthia. But because of his duties in the Capital, he entrusted Annaritas to his right hand man.

The Nation of Moondelia is known for their lavish products of fabrics and armors. Zula is the capital of this nation and the hometown of the royal family Zulan. The current king is so fond of kids that he usually adopts a few orphans of war in his care. There isn't much known about this nation because of their 'shy' demeanor. The imperial family doesn't bother them as well since this nation cooperates with them without causing any conflicts.

The third nation is the Nation of Talares known for their strong knights. The capital is called Zabia and they export materials that can be used for structural buildings; like castles, mansions, houses, and more. The royal family who rules this nation lives in the City of Aeral and they are known for being humble and kind rulers. The current ruler is unknown yet since the previous king had died from a terrible heart attack.

The fourth nation, the Land of Dew, the nation where equality is mostly preserved. There is no known king ruling this nation, however, the one leading them is called 'The Elder'. The Land of Dew is best known for their special ability called 'the hunter's instinct'. They aren't the predator type, but kids that reached a certain age are said to start training their special ability. They export herbal products that can be made as tea and can be used as medicines.

And lastly, the Cleareian Kingdom, the capital of the empire and the home of magic. This is where the imperial family resides and only the first-born, regardless of gender, are crowned as the next ruler. A thousand types of gemstone mines, magical or for decoration, are found in this nation. They use it as products to export to different nations and neighboring countries. So far, there hasn't been any conflicts regarding the treatment of the imperial house to the other noble houses and nations.

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