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It took us a couple of days before finding anything useful. The mastermind was so discreet and careful that everything had been taken care of before we can even find any traces of them. Because of that, I figured that the mastermind of those assassination attempts can also have a strong connection with someone inside the Imperial Palace. And that person probably has a higher rank that's why he can manipulate such things.

Like uncle duke.

Nah. Impossible. Why would he even harm me? The book says that uncle didn't have any interest with the throne? But what if things changed after I got here? That would be really cruel and troublesome. I wouldn't want to take down my family!

I want to enjoy tea time today and the warm breeze that's gently nuzzling against me. The weather feels so nice that I don't want to think too much and just relax. Unfortunately, I can't let my guard down yet.

Anyway, he's been acting weird after that night. He seemed like he's still hiding something important that I should be aware of. But I can't force him, right? I'll have to trust him and wait for the right time.

"Princess! I heard about what happened a few days ago." Keita? Why is he here in the main palace grounds?

I placed my teacup down and smiled at him. He looked healthier today than the last time I saw him. "What are you doing here?" I don't mean to be rude, but until we find any clues, I should always be on guard.

Keita was taken aback with my sudden question, but he did try to look more confident than the last time. He flattened his left hand across his body then bowed his head. "I apologize, princess. The royal knights that will soon guard her highness were already chosen, and we were transferred here to be trained personally by the head knight."

I couldn't help but let out a soft giggle at his change of attitude. From the clumsy Keita to this serious one. "Ah, apologies. You look cute just now. Anyway, have a seat. You're my guest for today." I gave him a warmer smile, making sure to make him feel more comfortable.

There's something weird going on with this little knight. He really feels familiar for some odd reasons. As if I've known or met him before.

But anyway, I have to appear harmless if I need to gain more information. And I have to make sure that the people who will surround me in the future won't think of any means to betray me.

"How was training? Are the seniors still treating you badly?" I asked while I poured some Keemun tea on his cup. "Would you like some tea cake?"

Keita smiled softly at me as he nodded his head. "Thank you, princess. The seniors seem to follow her highness' order, and they even apologize to us. Because of her highness, us--new trainees, are becoming more eager to become official knights."

I could feel some sense of relief with Keita's answer. To be honest, I was a little worried after implementing such rules for them. I was worried that their seniors might feel furious after what I did, and they might bully them even more. But thank goodness they did the opposite.

"How about her highness? Are you bothered by anything?" He asked. Now that I can clearly see him, he looked younger than me with those green pair of eyes and his chestnut hair. He might've noticed how careful I was staring at him that his cheeks turned pink. "Did I say something wrong, your highness? Was I too rude?" He sounded too flustered.

"No, I just noticed that you looked younger than me," I laughed softly, teasing him a little. "Amy, call me Amy when there's no one around us. I'll feel less stressed if you'll refer to me with that made up nickname of mine." Keita seemed to blush even more with what I said.

HENRIETTA: PRAELUDIUM [TO BE EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now