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"Blessings to the undying glory of Amaranthia. I am Mr. Miller, and I will be her highness' new tutor for History." I smiled then greeted him back.

This is my first day [as myself] learning these things, and I personally requested the Grand Duke to change my tutors. It will be hard for me to treat the previous tutors, so I requested new ones. I think I read a little about this subject while I was resting. Henrietta has this bookshelf in her room with her personal collections of books.

We started the class by reading the history of Annaritas. It's a nation outside the Clareian Kingdom and my mother's homeland. The Grand Duke also lived there during his childhood days and had his separate education. I think I've already read this one.

Then we proceeded with the history of Dew. Our lessons lasted for about two hours and I can say that my tutor somehow was amazed with my current knowledge about his topics. Well, I was good at self-studying back in my old life.

"You were so excellent today, your highness. I'll look forward to our next class."

See? He said I was excellent.

Now on to my next class with Lady Clarence. I heard that she was my aunt, father and uncle's third cousin. She lived in Annaritas as well, and she will teach me all about etiquettes. I heard that she was the noblest lady in the empire, making her a perfectionist and a strict teacher. I sure hope that she'll be nice to me.

My day went on with just me focusing on my studies. My cousins are nowhere to be found, so I felt at ease. After my etiquette class ─ that lasted for 3 hours ─ we went on with culture and languages. It wasn't that hard, I think. And then we proceed with dancing, politics, strategy and tactics, and swordsmanship with the other new tutors we have.

I think my classes ended around tea time. That's around 4 in the afternoon in my world.

My back feels sore with all the sitting and writing and walking we did during class hours. And I didn't really expect that home schooling would turn out like this, exhausting! If I knew this, I would've insisted that they just send me to that academia close to the imperial palace.

"It would be really fun learning things with a classmate."

I watched my tea as I stirred it slowly. I can clearly see that small pout forming on my lips. When did I become sulky? And… and girly?! Tsk!

"I'll send Hendrix and Arthur to your next class, so you won't feel bored." I almost jumped from my seat when I heard the Grand Duke's voice.

Hah... Did I say that out loud?

I carefully lifted my head and looked at him. Why does he even join me during tea time when he just writes and reads stuff here? Are you bored so you wanted to see me sulking?

"Is there any problem, Henrietta?" I could swear, there's a chilling magic he could send to anyone he's talking to!

"No, your excellency," I answered. I didn't mean to, but my eyebrows creased as I realized how long his title was. That's pretty bothersome.

"Can I call you 'uncle' instead?" or dad. I asked, it was so sudden that I didn't have the chance to stop myself.

I noticed how his hands stopped from flipping the papers and writing things when he heard my sudden question. He looked at me with his usual cold expression, but he didn't say anything. It was as if he was assessing if I was still in my right mind or not.

But now that I notice it, his eyes have a darker purple shade. It looks pretty when it shines like that. And before I could stop myself from saying anything embarrassing again, I blurted it out.

"Uncle, you look so pretty."

I caught how his expression shifted ─ from that coldness he was always wearing, his lips moved and his eyebrows creased in a confused expression. He looked like he was frowning, but I'm pretty sure that he was just confused, and pretty much surprised, with my sudden act of dumbness.

"You say such nonsensical things. You can call me uncle, and you should call your cousins' brother," he said, trying to brush off everything. He took the papers and quill before leaving me.

He didn't even bother saying goodbye or whatever. Well, he's actually really like that to begin with. But ── OH MY!

"I got permission to call him uncle!" I exclaimed, holding my fists up as if it was a really big achievement for me ─ and it is.

"What are you doing?"

"You look so dumb just now."

Ah, the other two devils have arrived.


My lips curved upwards as I remembered what uncle the Grand Duke said.


"You can call me uncle, and you should call your cousins' brother."


"Do you need anything, 'brothers'?" I asked, emphasizing the word 'brothers'.

They were somehow surprised that they quickly went closer to me.

"What did you say?" Brother Hendrix asked.

"Do you have a death wish?" Brother Arthur asked.

They're two and three years older than me yet they act like kids. On top of that, they're not actually scared of talking rudely to me. I'm the future empress, yet they act all so mighty towards me. Scumbags!

"Would you like some tea and cakes?" I asked, trying to drive the topic away.

I didn't really do my best, but I made sure to act cute in front of them, not in a way to attract them, but in a way to melt their fury away.

They seemed flustered with my sudden change of attitude yet the oldest, Hendrix, sat on the chair across from me. Arthur looked confused at his brother's actions, but he still followed him and took the seat beside Hendrix.

"What are you playing at?" Arthur asked with his whiny voice.

I glanced over him before giving him my sweetest smile. "I just want to have tea with my brothers."

"But we're not your brothers," Hendrix replied with a serious tone.

Hah! You wish! If only you guys knew, I bet you'll kneel down and beg for my affection. I'm starting to sound evil. This bad mind. Tsk, tsk..

"But uncle said that I should call the two of you 'brothers'. It will be bad if I defy uncle's words, right, brother Hendrix?" See? I'm harmless. I can just smile here all day without doing anything bad, unlike the two of you.

I looked at him weirdly when Hendrix stood from his seat and leaned closer to me. He looked like he was about to bare his claws and scratch me. "Suit yourself. Just remember this; you're not part of our family even if we're your cousins," he remarked coldly then left the table.

I don't even intend to be part of anyone's family. It's been like that ever since, but I wonder why it aches hearing that from him.

"You can leave now if you don't wish to play or eat with me." I turned my head to face Arthur and smiled softly at him.

I just wish you won't hate me guys too much just because I'm taking away your father's attention. He's just tending to me because I'm still young to hold the crown.

"It's alright. My brother's really like that even to me. Can I have some tea and a slice of strawberry cake?"

For some reason, my heart felt warm. It's pretty odd.

"Thank you, brother. You're the best!" I didn't bother holding myself back and just let my body jump towards him, giving Arthur a very tight hug. I giggled softly at him, knowing how surprised he might have been.

And I didn't expect at that moment that it would be the start of a warmer journey for me.

Or so I hope.

HENRIETTA: PRAELUDIUM [TO BE EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now