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Dinner went by roughly as expected, and Arthur kept on insisting to give a severe punishment to Lady Clarence because of what she did to me. I didn’t really expect anything, but Hendrix also agreed with him. It hasn’t been long since I got here, but I'm slowly getting the hang of being a female. And aside from that, it seems like we are all starting to get along.

Luckily, uncle duke agreed that Lady Clarence will be stripped off of her title along with her family and banish them from the Clareain Kingdom and the Nation of Annaritas.

It hasn’t been five hours since we ate dinner, but I could already sense myself getting hungry again. Maybe because I didn’t get the chance to properly eat earlier with all the talk we did at the dining table. Though, it feels good knowing that the people surrounding me are slowly changing as well.

I placed a hand against my stomach, my lips pouting as I felt my own stomach rumbling. “I think I should go down to eat,” I mumbled to myself.

I grabbed my nightdress coat and wore it, covering my blue chemise. It would be extremely inappropriate to go out with just my chemise.

I slipped on my slippers and carefully stepped out of my room. It feels quiet outside, maybe everyone’s already taking their rest. I held onto the handle of my candle holder as I walked on the hallway. It’s been a while since I last took a night walk.

I still remember that time when I was young, I usually went on a walk around at night. Then there was this one time when the rain was heavily pouring, and my mother was still alive that time. I snuck out of bed in the middle of the night, it was raining so hard that I wanted to watch outside.

I got out of the house and sat quietly on the porch. It was dark outside, so I thought that no one would see me there. I really didn’t realize back then that my fascination with the night and the rain would give me a traumatic experience. Father had accidentally woken up and locked the door from inside. During that time, the sky was already roaring. It was horrifying, watching how the lightning struck the sky and the most horrifying thing was when I witnessed someone being struck by lightning.

It was awfully funny when they found me outside the next day. I was shaking helplessly on the ground. Ah. Those pathetic days of mine.

My mind was so occupied with that sudden flashback that I didn’t notice that I had finally reached the kitchen. I looked around and checked if there were any servants around before checking for any leftover food. Unfortunately, there were none.

I know. I should just call for anyone, but being myself, I wouldn't want to bother anyone for a midnight snack.

A sigh escaped my lips, and I was just planning on going back to my room when I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. It was getting louder and it’s starting to make me feel nervous. I’m a princess, right? It should be alright if they’ll know that I’m here and searching for food. Or not…

“Who’s there in the kitchen?” Ah, Eliza!

I was about to answer when I felt someone grabbing me by the waist and covering my mouth. The person blew off the light of the candle I was holding as well as he dragged me to the corner of the kitchen. He seemed like a man because of his build and strength.

My heart was beating faster in panic. I suddenly felt scared as negative thoughts flooded my head. What if he’s a killer? I’m trying to survive inside the palace these past few days, and I’ll only be killed by a killer I found in the kitchen? I don’t want to die yet!

I closed my eyes tightly, my hands gripped on my coat and the candle holder. I was already planning on using the candle holder as a weapon when he loosened his grip around me. He must’ve felt how scared I was.

HENRIETTA: PRAELUDIUM [TO BE EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now