Chapter 1

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"Perhaps it's best you don't write us this year."

My heart sank as I watched my mother, her back turned to me, readjust the family portrait in the hallway. My eyes flickered up to the painting. I remember my feet beginning to ache as the painter looked over the canvas at the four of us. My father sitting dominantly in the middle of a freshly polished black chair, my mothers hand on his wide shoulder as she stood by his side. My brother stood behind my father with a content expression, his dark mark slightly showing under his suit. Finn had always been the family favorite, but it only escalated when he was 'gifted' the dark mark. His shiny brown hair and shinier eyes looked forward, never straying. I rested my eyes on the desperate ones that stared right back at me. A chill ran down my spine as I looked straight back at myself. My floor-length gown squeezing my figure, I had thought of nothing but escape during the whole excursion.

"I don't understand." I said looking back at my mother. It was impossible to stare at my portrait for too long.

"I think you do, dear. Until you prove to your father and I that you deserve our attention, we have no intention on keeping a line of communication going." She turned and looked right past me, a common occurrence ever since they discovered I had taken Muggle Studies.

"Mother, it was one cla-"

"Don't you dare tell me it was just one class," her eyes locked onto mine without hesitation. "What would your brother say, Florence? Studying muggles?" She shut her eyes as her entire body shuddered as if the mere idea of it had some physical hold on her. The lights in the dimly lit hallway began to flicker, and I could feel myself flushing of all color.

"I see," I barely got out, "I should get going then." She opened her eyes once more and walked right past me leaving a breeze of frigid air in her wake. Had I really been holding my breath that entire time? I let out a sigh of relief before grabbing my suitcase and rushing towards the front door.

Before I could reach the black door, I heard someone politely clear their throat. I turned quickly on my heel, ducked down, and lifted a house elf up in the air.

"Mintsy, oh how I'll miss you!" The house elf tried to contain its laughter as I hugged it, swaying side to side. Mintsy tapped my shoulder to be let down and I obliged.

"Master is too kind-"

"What have I said about calling me master?" I whined.

"Right, erm, F-Flora.." The little elf winced at the lack of formality, but I felt a sense of pride at hearing her call me by my nickname.

"Alright, Mintsy I really have to go now." I ducked down once more and hugged her before heading back towards the door. "Don't hesitate to write to me if you can Mintsy." I called over my shoulder.


"You look like shit." I looked up from my herbology book to find a blonde haired girl grinning at me. Closing the book in my hand, I had no choice but to acknowledge my best friends ridiculous statement.

"Thanks Weslie, I can only say the same for you." Weslie closed the compartment door, faltering slightly as the train began to move. She hucked her luggage above her with a grunt and sat down in the seat across from me. I raised my eyebrows in anticipation as she bit her lip in excitement.

"Well spill it weasel before you pop!" I yelled.

"Alright, alright, calm yourself." She leaned forward with her famous grin still plastered on her face. "Cedric and I did it."

"Did what?" I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion not entirely sure what she was getting at.

"Did it dumb arse. The deed. The devil's tango. The hanky pan-"

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