Chapter 5

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The next couple of days went by without much difficulty, no prophecies, no mental breakdowns, and no troubles with my classes. Just a normal first week- for the most part.

It would be an understatement if I said Weslie was excited for the first party of the year. It was tradition that we would go all out at the beginning of the year and get completely blackout drunk, and this year was no different. Each house took turns hosting parties, I may be biased for this one, but the Slytherin parties were always the best ones. We had our own personal bar thanks to some of the students' parents, and an endless supply of booze. Not only that, but the common room was the perfect shape and size for a large party. It was dim in the dungeons, so the green lighting we enchanted the room with was absolutely stunning.

Ravenclaw parties were always very smooth going, nothing crazy, but just enough booze to get things going. If you went to a Ravenclaw party, you almost ended up making out with someone or more by the end of the night. They were known for being the most seductive and provocative when drunk, much to some people's surprise.

Gryffindor parties were absolutely chaotic. No true rhyme or reason for anything, odd forms of liquor, and lots of crowd surfing. They are also the most destructive parties, absolutely trashing the common room nine times out of ten. Weslie and I always bet on which Gryffindor will black out first, because nearly all of them blackout by the end of the night, falling asleep in precarious positions and locations. A couple years back, at Weslie and I's first party, a 7th year Gryffindor was found on the roof of the castle completely knocked out by the amount of alcohol they had consumed.

Hufflepuff parties were known for the amount of weed being passed around the whole time. You were either drunk, high, or both by the end of the night. They take everybody by surprise everytime by how hard they party. In fact, sometimes their house ends up having the best party of the year, but like I said, I'm biased and tend to favor Slytherin ragers.

The only problem anyone ever ran into were the younger students trying to sneak in. It was a set rule that only fifth years and up could go to the parties, but this never stopped the younger ones from trying to join the party. We never ran into any issues with getting caught by the teachers, as far as we knew they were clueless, but with the new chaperone rule... it's evident they were all very aware of our 'festivities'. I'm extremely surprised they haven't shut us down yet, but I suppose it would be pointless to try and stop us at all- we're teenagers, parties are inevitable.

Weslie was known for her drunken antics. Give that girl some tequila shots and suddenly she's friends with everyone. One of her favorite things to do while drunk is flirt with everybody, but now that she's with Cedric... I don't even want to think about what she'll do with him. Cedric and Weslie really hit it off at one of the Hufflepuffs in the middle of our 6th year. . To be honest, with myself, it just turns into a scene from Dirty Dancing. I'll find just about anybody and dance with them like I'm some hot shot. Grinding, drinking, taking shots off of random bodies, mosh pits, revealing outfits, you name it.

It's the only time people actually talk to us. Hell, I made out with some random guy last year and I still have no idea who it was. Someone said it was Lucian Bole, a 6th year Slytherin, but I strongly doubt it- Lucian bats for the other team, so there's no way in hell it was him.

I rolled over in my green sheets, now facing Weslie's bed, and blinked slowly as I tried to wake up. It took me a few seconds to realize she wasn't even in her bed, but once it registered, I sat up straight, looking around.

"MERLIN!" I screamed, a bright light blinding me and a random hand grasping my right shoulder. That was enough to nearly cause a bloody heart attack.

"Mornin'." I heard two identical voices chime in together. I swatted the wand away from my face and found two redheads grinning from ear to ear at me.

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