Time Travel Fix it with Tony adopting the Avengers

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Title: "Maybe the real mission was the people I adopted along the way" (Tony no)

Tony was tired, hungover, and defeated. So naturally, he created a revolutionary piece of technology, one to send him back before everything. Before Thanos, Civil War, Ultron, and the Avengers.

Well, that was the poetic way of saying Tony fucked up and sent himself back in time in his grief.

Now, to prepare the (currently nonexistent) team for Thanos! Can't be too hard, right? Right?

Just Tony being a Human Disaster practical adopting Thor, Loki & Steve, playing the Housewife for Rhodey and ignoring his Trauma.

Ratings: Trauma, PTSD, Alcoholism, Self Esteem Issues

Pairings: Tony & Avengers, Tony & Thor, Tony & Loki, Tony & Steve, Tony & Bruce, Tony & Rhodey & Pepper, Tony & Frigga

Chapters: 6/?


Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32101189/chapters/79527280

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